Yoga for strengthen back muscles, Veerabhadrasana


It is good to do this asana to strengthen the back muscles. Yoga for strengthen back muscles, Veerabhadrasana. If we want to keep our back muscles strong, it is better to do Veerabhadrasana. This is a very simple asana. People of all ages can practice it. We know how beneficial yoga is for maintaining a healthy body and mind. With this asana, you can rejuvenate your tired muscles.


Yoga for strengthen back muscles, Veerabhadrasana


First, go to a nice quiet place, spread out a mat and stand on it. Then inhale and spread your legs wide. Spread your legs three to four feet apart.

Turn your left foot 45 to 60 degrees to the right. Turn your right foot 90 degrees to the right

Now turn your body to the right. Bring your hands up and hold both palms together.

Bend the right leg and the right thigh should be parallel to the floor. Keep the left leg straight without bending.

The body should be slightly bent backwards. The head should also be tilted slightly backwards. Remain in this position for 10 to 30 seconds.

Do the same with the left side. This asana can be performed 5 to 7 times. If the body hurts, simply pause for a few seconds and return to the old position. Gradually increase the time.

Yoga for strengthen back muscles, Veerabhadrasana


Strengthens the back muscles.

Regulates blood circulation.

Strengthens shoulders and arms.

Relieves neck pain.

Strengthens the lungs.

Helps with sciatic pain.

Helps with breathing difficulties.

Stretches the body from head to toe.

Yoga for strengthen back muscles, Veerabhadrasana


Avoid doing this yoga if you have pain in your hips, neck, knees or feet. Yoga for strengthen back muscles, Veerabhadrasana. Make sure that your neck and body are relaxed and not stiff.


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By jasmine