Yoga for healthy heart function, Padangustasana


Yoga for healthy heart function, Padangustasana is a part of the art of yoga. Yoga is developing well in the modern world of today. This form of yoga focuses on breath control exercises called pranayama. It also involves a series of yoga postures called asana, which end in a resting position called savasana. Regular practice of yoga brings health benefits. In this blog, we will talk about Padangusthana

Yoga for healthy heart function, Padangustasana

Padangustasana, where padam means foot. Angusta means thumb. It means to bend the big toes forward. In this case, the foot bends by holding the big toe, so you can bend forward well just by pulling the big toe. If you hold the thumb and press, this asana brings some benefits.

There are 10 gases in our body. One of them, Apana Vayu, flows from below the navel to the big toe. It is this dangerous gas that enriches our bowel movements, i.e. urination and defecation. This gas should not flow upwards. The best thing about this asana is to let this gas flow in the right direction, i.e. from below the navel to the thumb and not upwards. Even if it has flowed upwards, it is fixed and held in place.

Yoga for healthy heart function, Padangustasana

Practice method

Padangustasana must be performed correctly for maximum health benefits. Padangusthana and its variations are best practiced on an empty stomach or four hours after a meal. Early morning is the best time to wake up and do yoga. This time is optimal as the body is refreshed and relaxed at this time.

Start by standing with both feet one foot apart. Hold the previously bent thumbs with the thumb and first two fingers. The palms of your hands should be facing each other. Then raise your head and bend forward from the pelvis to form a hollow back. Breathe normally in this position for twenty seconds and then slowly return to the starting position.

Yoga for healthy heart function, Padangustasana


  1. The energy channels of the liver and spleen run from both sides of the thumb. Pressing the thumb activates the energy channels of the liver and spleen. It also protects us from liver and spleen diseases.
  2. Increases blood flow to the brain. Improves memory. Strengthens the lungs. Strengthens the bones.


Although this Yoga for healthy heart function, Padangustasana is known to strengthen the back muscles, people with severe back problems should avoid this asana.


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By jasmine