Yoga exercises for thyroid, Asana to improve health


Can yoga poses help with thyroid problems? If we are asked, we have to answer yes. This is because the thyroid gland secretes approximately T4 (80%) and T3 (20%) in a healthy state. Yoga exercises for thyroid, Asana to improve health. This gland also secretes a small amount of the hormone calcitocin. In this thyroid gland, triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) are based on the mineral iodine. Women are most affected. Yoga is also a good way to treat this disease permanently. Thyroid gland causes dizziness, eye discharge, rapid weight gain or a phenomenon. By following these yogasanas, you can easily treat the disease.

Yoga exercises


Cobra pose

Yoga exercises for thyroid, Asana to improve health

The cobra pose stimulates the thyroid gland. It is a simple exercise, like laying your head back, but not as extreme.

  1. Lie on your stomach and place your hands under your shoulders, palms down and elbows to the sides of your chest.
  2. Press into the palm of your hand as you feel the energy of your thumb retract. Feel the energy of your little fingers move forward.
  3. Slowly raise your head, chest and shoulders as you inhale. Come half, half or fully up. Maintain a slight bend in your elbows.
  4.  Now you can tilt your head back. Bring it back to the center. As you exhale, slowly lower yourself back onto the mat. Relax your arms at your sides.
  5.  Gently rock your hips from side to side to relieve pressure on your lower back.

Plow pose

Yoga exercises for thyroid, Asana to improve health

  1.  Lie on your back with your arms at your sides
  2.  Inhale and lift your legs up by tensing your abdominal muscles. Upwards to ninety degrees (90°).
  3. Press your shoulders into the floor and support your back by using your hands to lift your hips off the floor.
  4. Bring your toes up and over your head so that your back is perpendicular to the floor.
  5. Hold the position for a few breaths and then return to the starting position.



Yoga exercises for thyroid, Asana to improve health

  1. Sit on the mat and stretch out your legs. Both hands should be at the sides. Then patiently bend the legs and hold the left ankle with the left hand and the right ankle with the right hand.
  2. Lift the chest, neck and head. Now the hands and ankles hold the back firmly and the back is arched like a bow.
  3. While performing this asana, only the abdominal area should be well supported on the floor. The other parts are bent like an arch. The breath should be held in this position. It should be natural.
  4. Hold this position for 10 to 30 seconds. Then slowly return to the normal position and repeat after a few seconds. Do this asana 5 or 6 times.


Yoga exercises for thyroid, Asana to improve health is a panacea for the thyroid, so we will talk more about it in the next blog post.



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By jasmine