Warning of lungs and diseases // lungs respiratory failure


The lung is one of the most delicate organs. Although it cleans itself from time to time, there is always a limit to which it can be strained. If this is exceeded, lung disease will result. Let’s take a closer look at the different types of Warning of lung and diseases lung respiratory failure diseases. In this post, we will look at the first 3 types, and below I will explain the other conditions.Warning of lungs and diseases // lungs respiratory failure

The main reasons for lung diseases

  1. Air pollution
  2. Smoking
  3. Infections
  4. Genes

Degeneration of the tissue or infection of the tissue

Let’s look at the outer side of the Warning of lungs and diseases of lung respiratory failure first, and then at the diseases in the inner part of the lungs

Diseases affecting the chest wall

Neuro-muscular disorder – this is usually a genetic disorder in which the muscles in the lungs do not do their usual work. With this type of disease, you may have difficulty breathing because the muscles in the lungs that control breathing are not working properly.Warning of lungs and diseases // lungs respiratory failure

Hypoventilation syndrome

This is a serious breathing problem because the chest cannot support the weight or pressure placed on it, usually due to obesity. In this case, the lungs are not able to expand to their normal volume, so not enough air gets into the organ.

Now let’s move on to the next part, the outer layer of the lungs

Just like the heart, the Warning of lungs and diseases lungs respiratory failure have an outer layer, the pleura. This layer ensures that the lungs can easily move/expand against the chest cavity with each breath.

  • Pneumothorax – in this case, air becomes trapped between the chest wall and the pleura. This can cause the lungs to malfunction.
  • Mesothelioma – a development of cancer cells in the pleura. This case is very rare.
  • Pleural effusion – a condition that usually results from heart failure or pneumonia. In this case, fluid forms in the cavity between the chest wall and the lungs, making it difficult to breathe and even causing the pleura to empty.
  • Pleurisy – a disease that causes inflammation of the pleura.

Warning of lungs and diseases // lungs respiratory failure

Disease of the blood capillaries around the alveoli

The capillaries are also called interstitiums.



It is one of the diseases that directly affect the interstitium. The excessive secretion of mucus in the lungs causes pneumonia.

Interstitial lung disease [ILD]

This is not a single disease like the other diseases but includes the following diseases: Sarcoidosis [the inflammation in the alveoli, bronchioles, etc.], autoimmune disease [where the immune system mistakenly attacks the lungs as a threat], idiopathic [ the disease that attacks the lungs]



So far we have dealt with the diseases based on the external structure, in the next articles we will deal with the diseases of the internal parts. We need to protect our environment hygienically so that the air we breathe is clean. If we avoid these things, we can buy clean air in a bottle, just like we buy water in a bottle.


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By jasmine