Warning of lung disease // Lung problems // Respiratory failure


The pair of Lungs anatomy and physiology Lungs function as organs that help us breathe. In this article, we will continue posts to Warning of lungs and diseases lung respiratory failure and look at the disease caused in the lungs.

Diseases in the arteries and veins around the lungs [simply the blood vessels]

Pulmonary hypertensionWarning of lung disease // Lung problems // Respiratory failure

A condition in which a person suffers from shortness of breath and chest pain. This is caused by excess pressure in the pulmonary arteries getting into the lungs.

Pulmonary embolism

A blood clot travels from the heart into the blood vessels of the lungs, causing a lack of oxygen. This clot lodges in the artery coming from the heart.

Diseases in the alveoli


A Warning of Lung Disease Lung problems Respiratory failure caused by damage to the alveoli. The bronchioles, connected to the alveoli, are as thin as hair, so they are easily damaged, which is especially the major case of smoking. This also leads to shortness of breath, which becomes severe if proper precautions are not taken to cure it.


A disease caused by bacteria called “Mycobacterium tuberculosis”. This is the worst or most severe case of pneumonia that is not treated. More like the worst-case scenario.

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)

A condition in which the lungs are damaged due to disease and you must use the ventilator until the damage is repaired. In some cases, the damage is severe; in others, COVID-19.

Pulmonary edema

It occurs when the lungs are damaged, such as when the lungs cannot handle the backup in the blood vessels fluid that enters the alveoli, and damages the capillaries around the lungs so that they cannot function properly. Heart failure may also be another cause of this condition.


A condition in which very dangerous dust particles are present in the lungs. This case often occurs in people who work in mining or construction, where they are exposed to a very dusty environment. These particles become lodged in the lungs and impair breathing

The disease that affects the tracheaWarning of lung disease // Lung problems // Respiratory failure

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

A disease in which one cannot breathe normally, which one has difficulty breathing, the cause of which may be another disease in any case. These may include the following

  1. Chronic bronchitis — the tubes in the bronchioles narrow and inflate, increasing mucus production.
  2. Emphysema — the elasticity of the alveoli decreases. This results in the lungs being able to take in only a smaller-than-normal than normal amount of air, leading to shortness of breath and low oxygen levels in the blood.
  3. The diseases caused by smoking and exposure to smoke particles [i.e., second-hand smoking]

Under this COPD condition, almost all diseases that affect the lungs occur. The diseases affecting the trachea, alveoli, bronchioles, capillaries, and bronchi all fall under COPD.

COPD is also caused by a genetic disorder

The main cause of this disorder is the lack of secretion of the protein “alpha-1-antitrypsin” This protein is called A1AT, which helps protect the lungs and is secreted in the liver. Decreased secretion of this globulin protein leads to lung disease or even liver failure.

People with asthma are more likely to be victims of COPD. Asthma is a condition in which people experience wheezing and shortness of breath in a variety of situations. This may be due to inflammation of the airways. Asthma can be genetic or in many cases due to an allergic reaction.

Exposure to burning fuels

In the early days, people who cook with burning fuels usually have COPD and may not even know what is causing it. The dust and smoke released during combustion settle in the lungs and cause permanent lung infections that lead to COPD.

In the advanced stage of COPD, it can even lead to heart failure, lung cancer, irregular breathing problems over a long period, constant wet cough, and depression.Warning of lung disease // Lung problems // Respiratory failure


I mention depression here because a physical disability, Warning of lung disease Lung problems Respiratory failure that makes you feel different from others or that prevents you from being yourself can lead to depression. Depression is a case of being oppressed by others or by oneself and one’s thoughts.


One disease leads to another, and it continues to grow. We cannot control genetic diseases, but we can prevent the Warning of Lung diseases Lung problems Respiratory failure other forms of diseases that are not genetic. As we all know, prevention is better than cure. Always keep this in mind and live a happy life accordingly.


Warning of lungs and diseases // lungs respiratory failure

Lungs anatomy and physiology // Lungs function



By jasmine