Tooth decay symptoms, tooth cavities, dental care.

Tooth decay

Tooth decay is caused by the fact that the teeth in our mouth are not cleaned properly. As a result, the bacteria in our mouths attack our enamel, the surface of the teeth, and start to produce acids that destroy the Tooth decay symptoms, tooth cavities, dental care.. This creates a small hole in the surface of the tooth. This is also known as tooth decay. If left untreated, tooth decay can lead to painful infections and even tooth loss.

Tooth decay symptoms, tooth cavities, dental care.

Early stages of tooth decay

Tooth decay is referred to as cavities and caries. Caries is Latin for decay. The color of this tooth decay can range from yellow to black. It is caused by bacteria. When we eat, we can only recognize the condition when food particles get stuck in the teeth and cause pain and difficulty.

Tooth decay symptoms, tooth cavities, dental care.

The effects can lead to inflammation in the tissue around the tooth, an abscess and even tooth loss. Bacteria excrete acids that dissolve the hard tissues of the teeth such as dentin, enamel and cementum. How is this possible? The sugars in the food on the tooth surface are the primary source of energy for these bacteria. A diet with a high proportion of simple sugars is therefore a risk factor. The pests only appear when mineral depletion from the sources of saliva produced from these sugars is high.

  1.  Tooth decay and damage to the roots of the teeth are caused by inadequate cleaning of the mouth.
  2. The solution is to brush your teeth twice a day.
  3.  Tooth decay is common in children, adults and teenagers.
  4. The reason for this is the consumption of sugary foods.

Symptoms of tooth decay

The patient initially shows no signs of tooth decay. The first symptom is the appearance of a chalky white spot on the surface of the tooth. It is also known as a macular lesion or microcavity. This lesion causes the area on the surface of the tooth to turn brown. Eventually, pitting occurs. It is possible to restore the teeth to their former state before cavities form. But if the hole is deep in the tooth, the tooth cannot be restored to its original state. When the enamel and dentin are destroyed, the severity of the disease becomes apparent. The affected areas of the tooth may be tender to the touch. Many cases of tooth decay are exacerbated by eating sweet, hot and cold foods.

Tooth decay symptoms, tooth cavities, dental care.

This is because the decay penetrates the enamel and destroys the nerve pathways leading to the tooth nerve, so the pain is only temporary. Toothache can occur when the bacteria are so advanced that they destroy the pulp tissue in the center of the tooth. The tooth no longer feels hot or cold. But it is too soft to cry. In the case of decay, bad breath is emitted from the patient’s mouth.


In this Tooth decay symptoms, tooth cavities, dental care, we have looked at the symptoms of tooth decay. In the next post, we will look at the causes and treatments of multiple fractures. Because tooth decay, if left to its own devices, is so serious that it can cost us our lives.


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