Thyroid diseases Treatment // Hypothyroidism Causes


Thyroid diseases Treatment, Hypothyroidism Causes are common worldwide. Researchers say that about 42 million people are affected by various thyroid diseases, considering countries like India and China with large populations. It is not a disease that occurs from person to person.

Since so many people are affected by thyroid diseases, the question arises whether this disease can be cured. Thyroid disease, like all other diseases, can be treated with medication if diagnosed early and in some rare cases surgery may be required. We will also look at the different treatment options for two common thyroid conditions.

Thyroid diseases Treatment // Hypothyroidism Causes


As we saw in the last post, this condition occurs when the thyroid gland does not secrete enough hormones. It can be recognized by symptoms such as a puffy face and eyes, weight gain, fatigue, facial hair and a hoarse voice.

Hypothyroidism Disease Treatment

  • Levothyroxine is the medication needed to balance hormone secretion. Once the hormone secretion is back to normal, the dose can be reduced.
  • Some people can not sleep well for unavoidable reasons and look at their cell phones all night. Therefore, sleep should be treated properly.
  • Diet plays an important role in the treatment of thyroid problems. Doctors recommend eating foods rich in selenium and vitamin B for those who want to lose weight through diet alone.
  • Reduce sugar and replace it with foods like jaggery and dates.
  • Indulge in stress-reducing techniques like meditation, yoga, deep breathing and exercise.
  • Avoid high consumption of soy and cruciferous vegetables in the diet. Excessive consumption of these foods can cause hypothyroidism.


This condition occurs when the thyroid gland secretes too many hormones. Symptoms such as sudden weight loss, excessive sweating and anxiety may require medical treatment.


  1. Radioactive iodine therapy helps to slow down the activity of the hormone-producing glands, which can result in less sweating, a normal heart rate and a lower energy surge. This procedure involves shrinking the gland to reduce hormone production.
  2. People suffering from this condition should reduce foods that contain iodine. Eat foods rich in calcium, vitamin D and selenium.
  3. Medications such as methimazole and propylthiouracil can help reduce the symptoms of the disease. The medications help to reduce the harmful symptoms after 12 to 18 months.
  4. Thyroidectomy is a surgical procedure in which the damaged part of the thyroid gland or the entire gland is removed.
  5.  Thyroidectomy treatment is only possible if the diet and exercise mentioned above have failed.

Thyroid diseases Treatment // Hypothyroidism Causes


Consume balanced iodine-rich foods to prevent hypothyroidism. Thyroid diseases Treatment, Hypothyroidism Causes, Green vegetables in particular are rich in iodine and can therefore be consumed regularly. Nowadays, many people are affected by thyroid problems. There are many treatment options to remedy this. So you can cure thyroid in a simple way.


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By jasmine