Symptoms of diabetes, causes, treatment. types

About diabetes

The hormone insulin in our body determines the level of sugar in our blood. Symptoms of diabetes, causes, treatment. types occurs when our body cannot produce insulin or when insulin secretion becomes ineffective – a problem that is increasing worldwide today. Almost 400 million people worldwide are affected by this disease. The saddest part is that half of the people who suffer from this disease are not aware of it. But we can avoid this disease by eating a healthy diet and doing little exercise in our lifestyle.

Types of diabetes

Symptoms of diabetes, causes, treatment. types

The first type

The insulin glands are completely incapable of secreting insulin. It occurs in children, adolescents, young adults and adolescents.

Second type

This condition is caused by insufficient insulin secretion or insulin resistance. It is more common in adults. This type of diabetes is found in almost 90% of people

The third type

Two to four percent occur in women during pregnancy. It disappears again after the birth of the child.

Symptoms of diabetes

The symptoms of this disease usually appear late: excessive hunger, excessive fatigue, rapid weight loss, frequent thirst, frequent urination, blurred vision, prolonged healing of wounds or injuries, urinary tract infections, numbness or tingling in the feet.

Causes of diabetes

Symptoms of diabetes, causes, treatment. types

With food, carbohydrates are converted into sugar in our body. Insulin, the cause of diabetes, is produced in the pancreas itself. This hormone stimulates the cells in our body to absorb sugar to produce energy.

Diabetes occurs when insulin is not produced or does not function properly. This is why sugar accumulates in our body.


  • To confirm the presence of diabetes, the blood sugar level should be measured.
  • A blood test on an empty stomach should be done in the morning if the level is above 7.0 IU/ml .
  • A postprandial test of more than 11.1 IU/ml indicates diabetes.

Diabetes treatments

Treatment of the first type

Regular monitoring of blood glucose levels, with insulin administered several times a day, adherence to a healthy eating plan, taking the prescribed tablets with meals and injecting insulin at other times.

Symptoms of diabetes, causes, treatment. types

Treatment of the second type

You should lose weight, use medical treatments that stimulate the pancreas to secrete insulin, and perform simple exercises such as daily walking.


Diabetics should always watch what they eat. Irregularities in dietary habits, stress and lack of exercise are one of the most important factors for diabetes today. The symptoms of diabetes are not known early on. This post, we have looked at the types, symptoms, treatments and causes of diabetes patients! In this way, we can protect ourselves from the effects of diabetes. In the next post, we will look at the diet of diabetics.


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