Symptoms and causes of a heart attack

Heart attack

Most of us think that all heart attacks are sudden, that it is just a sharp pain in the chest area, and that after a heart attack, you just die. Well, partly that is true, of course, a heart attack is indeed dangerous, DON’T TAKE IT LIGHTLY but partly that is not true either. So let’s not jump to conclusions and look at what a heart attack is and what its symptoms and causes are.

What a heart attack

As we know, the heart is a muscular organ, and all organs need blood to function, including the heart, which needs blood to keep its muscles working properly. When blood flow to one of the muscles of the heart is blocked, Symptoms and causes of a heart attack are that part of the heart stops functioning, meaning the muscle dies due to lack of oxygen.


The reason for the lack of oxygenation is usually plaque rupture, which usually leads to blood clotting around this plaque; this plaque rupture causes a blockage of blood flow through the artery that carries blood to the heart muscle.

This plaque is usually due to cholesterol or fat deposits in the bloodstream. This is medically referred to as “atherosclerosis.”

High consumption of foods high in cholesterol and/or fat as part of a regular diet is the main reason for plaque buildup on the inner walls of the artery. The blockage of an artery due to plaque is called “coronary artery disease‘.”

However, other causes of Symptoms and causes of a heart attack are not necessarily related to atherosclerosis. There could be a tear in the blood vessels lack of oxygen in the blood (not enough oxygen in the blood) drug abuse or a blood vessel that is spasming (narrowing/narrowing of the artery).

Now we will look at the symptoms of a heart attack

Most often the symptoms are nausea, pressing pain in the chest, and pain in a region near the heart such as the neck, shoulder, and arms. They may also include a feeling of cold sweat and lightheadedness that can even lead to fainting and shortness of breath.

In most people, the heart attack occurs suddenly, but in many cases, the above symptoms act as a warning that may occur several days or weeks before the actual heart attack. Many people may not take these signs seriously because all these symptoms are normal and related to stress and anxiety. However, you should take these symptoms seriously if the pain does not subside even after a restful sleep or a carefree day. At this stage, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.


The heart that works always for you just doesn’t stop all of a sudden there will be some signs, please don’t take everything lightly other than food when it comes to your heart. Help your heart work properly and it’ll make you live a long life.

Amazing fact about human heart: heart anatomy


  • What are the symptoms of a heart attack?

Most heart attacks are caused by discomfort in the middle of the chest, weakness, shortness of breath, etc.

  • What are the diagnostic factors for the appearance of heart attack symptoms?

Sometimes the first symptom of a heart attack is a sudden heart attack. Some heart attacks occur immediately, while others show warning signs days or weeks before.

  • How can you prevent a heart attack?
  1. Avoid smoking and tobacco use
  2. Walk at least 30 to 60 minutes a day
  3. Eat a healthy, balanced diet
  4. Maintain a healthy weight
  5. Manage stress and sleep
  • What are the symptoms of a mild heart attack?

Chest pain is noticeable by pressure, tightness, pain, and discomfort that radiates to the shoulder, arm, back, neck, or jaw, and cold sweat.

By jasmine