Strengthen spine Exercise, spine yoga, back pain Relief


Do this Strengthen spine Exercise, spine yoga, back pain Relief asana if you want to strengthen your spine. This yoga Paschim Namaskarasana strengthens the spine, shoulders, wrists, etc.

Strengthen spine Exercise, spine yoga, back pain Relief

Paschim Namaskarasana

Paschim Namaskarasana means inverted prayer pose. It is also part of Yogasanas. When practicing this asana, the chest, arms and abdomen are actively involved and wonderfully stretched. Strengthen spine Exercise, spine yoga, back pain Relief Paschim Namaskarasana is a Sanskrit word. It is made up of Paschim, which means west or back, namaskara, which means prayer, and asana, which means pose.

In Paschim Namaskarasana, you clasp your hands behind your back and press your palms together in a prayer pose. Optionally, you can then bend forward and bring your forehead to your knees. This makes this pose a challenging but rewarding exercise.

Strengthen spine Exercise, spine yoga, back pain Relief

 Paschim – How to do Namaskarasana

  1. To get into the Reverse Prayer pose, you must first stand in Tadasana (Mountain pose).
  2. Relax your shoulders and bend your knees slightly.
  3. Bring your hands behind your back and join your palms facing downwards at the fingertips.
  4. As you inhale, turn your fingertips inwards towards your spine and look upwards.
  5. Make sure that your knees are still slightly bent and your palms are firm 6. Hold the position for a few breaths.
  6. As you exhale, slowly turn your fingertips downwards. Bring your arms to the side of your body and slowly come into Tadasana.



Paschim Namaskarasana offers a variety of physical and mental benefits. First and foremost, it helps to improve posture by stretching and strengthening the spine. It also helps to counteract the effects of prolonged sitting and bending at work or other activities. It provides flexibility in the wrists and shoulders and reduces stiffness and discomfort. This type of asana reduces stress and provides a sense of calm. Increases lung capacity and supplies the body with oxygen. Paschim Namaskarasana is also said to aid digestion by gently massaging the abdominal organs as you bend forward.


Strengthen spine Exercise, spine yoga, back pain Relief


  • People with low blood pressure or injuries to the arm or shoulder girdle should not perform this asana.
  • Hold it for only 5 to 10 seconds the first time. Increase the time each day. Do not force it.


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By jasmine