Relief for severe neck pain, yoga, Sasanganam


Yoga is a wonderful art that promotes body, mind, knowledge, consciousness and spiritual development and balance. Relief for severe neck pain, yoga, Sasanganam. Yoga is one of the sciences of life and the art of living. This art is a discipline that was developed in India by the sage Patanjali.

Relief for severe neck pain, yoga, Sasanganam

Physical ailments can also be resolved through the art of yoga, which helps to maintain a healthy body and mind. It is an ethical code that promotes the well-being of body and mind. Sasangasana is an example of this.


If you wake up every morning and do Relief for severe neck pain, yoga, Sasanganam, your pain will soon subside. First, fold your legs evenly and sit with your back straight, then straighten your legs and fold each leg and sit with both hands over your ankles.

Then close your eyes and fold both hands behind your forehead. Bend down until you touch the floor and patiently exhale 3 to 5 times. Stretch both arms out straight and bend your head so that your forehead touches the floor. Breathe in and out patiently 3 to 5 times.

Relief for severe neck pain, yoga, Sasanganam

Benefits of Sasanganam

Regular practice of this asana cures stomach and intestinal problems. It is a good remedy for constipation. The asana is an excellent remedy for frequent urination at night and bedwetting.

The popular word Sasanga means rabbit. This asana is called Sasangasana because the posture in which the body is bent resembles that of a rabbit.

Sasangasana yoga is not only a solution for neck pain, but also a remedy for other problems.

Relief for severe neck pain, yoga, Sasanganam

Your heart will be protected if you do this yoga in the morning. It is also a good yoga practice to relieve stress.

Sasangasana yoga is very useful to expel the impure air in the lungs.

People who have the habit of being very angry and tense can quickly get rid of it with this Yogasana.




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By jasmine