Processing of milk product, dairy process, milk product.

Processing the milk

In milk processing, the milk is heated to 63 °C for 30 minutes or 72 °C for 15 seconds and then immediately cooled in a safe manner. The Processing of milk product, dairy process, milk product. processing is called pasteurization. This method is named after Louis Pasteur, who invented it. By processing the milk, most disease-causing germs in the milk are killed and the milk is preserved for a long time. Another important aspect of milk processing and preservation is homogenization. In this process, the fat globules in the milk are broken down. In this way, they release the milk evenly. This prevents the cream from separating from the milk and gives the milk a smooth, creamy consistency.

Processing of milk product, dairy process, milk product.

By-products of milk processing


Cheese is milk produced by coagulating the protein casein. The milk of all breeds of goats and cows can be used to make cheese. It is rich in vitamins and minerals. Proteins and minerals help to keep bones and teeth strong. It also protects the skin and helps to keep hair and nails healthy.

Processing of milk product, dairy process, milk product.


Butter is a dairy product. It is mainly made from cow’s milk, but also from the milk of other mammals such as sheep and buffalo. Commercial butter consists of around 80 % butterfat and 15 % water, while traditionally produced butter can contain as little as 65 % fat and 30 % water. Nowadays, salt can also be added to improve the taste. To make butter, the fat is separated from the milk and dissolved in lumps until it solidifies.


Certain bacteria react in the milk and form curd. This milk then begins to ferment. During this process, the lactase acid contained in the milk is converted into lactic acid. These are beneficial bacteria that help to improve intestinal health. Yogurt is a good source of probiotics.

Processing of milk product, dairy process, milk product.

Ice cream

Ice cream is made by mixing sugar, milk, cream and other ingredients together and then freezing the mixture. This ice cream is very popular with people of all ages.


The purpose of preserving dairy products is to maintain the quality, safety and shelf life of dairy products over a long period of time. We use this method to ensure that Processing of milk product, dairy process, milk product do not spoil and are safe for consumption. There are many ways to preserve dairy products, such as chilling, freezing, drying and fermenting, which can help to extend the shelf life of milk. As the dairy industry evolves, new technologies will emerge that will further improve product safety.



Overview fat content milk // type of milk


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By jasmine