Pineapple nutrition and health benefits, Pineapple uses


The pineapple (Ananascomosus) is a tropical plant with an edible fruit and is very economical. Pineapple is a short-lived, spiny plant with thick, long leaves that bears a fruit in the middle. The pineapple is a good source of vitamin C, vitamin B, fibre and manganese. the “bromelain” contained in the pineapple works wonders. Let’s look at the benefits in Pineapple nutrition and health benefits, Pineapple uses.

Helps with colds and coughs

Pineapple nutrition and health benefits, Pineapple uses

Yes, you are right. We usually tend to feel an itchy sensation when we consume pineapple, but did you know that it can cure coughs and colds? Bromelain is an enzyme found only in the stem and fruit of the pineapple that helps to stop coughs and loosen mucus in the throat.

Good for your teeth

Bromelain helps to reduce inflammation and acts as a natural stain remover. It helps to break up plaque and make the body healthy. A high concentration of vitamin C can also reduce the risk of gum inflammation. Mainly, tooth sensitivity can be effectively cured by consuming this fruit.

Pineapple nutrition and health benefits, Pineapple uses

Helps with digestion

Pineapples are the only known food source of bromelain, a combination of enzymes that work together to digest protein. This is the reason why pineapples are used as a meat tenderizer: The bromelain breaks down the protein and softens the flesh, making the food easier to digest.

Good for your eyes

The vitamin C and antioxidants contained in pineapple juice reduce the risk of vision loss. Pineapple juice contains high levels of vitamin C, beta-carotene and vitamin A, all of which reduce the risk of macular degeneration, a condition that causes age-related eye damage such as cataracts and blurred vision

Prevents high blood pressure

Pineapple nutrition and health benefits, Pineapple uses

Pineapple juice consumption has been shown to reduce high blood pressure as it contains a sufficient amount of potassium and a lower amount of sodium. Pineapple nutrition and health benefits, Pineapple uses Normally, potassium and sodium together reduce anxiety levels, which normalizes mood. Eat a slice of pineapple three times a day or drink 3.5 ounces of fresh pineapple juice.


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By jasmine