Overview fat content milk // type of milk

Overview milk

As for milk, it can be divided into four types, depending on the Overview fat content milk, type of milk of lactating mammals and also depending on the fat content of the milk. They can divide milk into fat-free milk, low-fat milk (1 %), reduced-fat milk (2 %), whole milk (3.25 %) and processed milk. However, milk contains 8 grams of protein, including nine important nutrients. It is better to use low-fat milk instead of whole milk. This is because low-fat milk contains less than 10% of calories per day, which can protect us from chronic diseases.

Overview fat content milk // type of milk


Type of milk

First of all, what is milk? Let us take a look at it. When we think of good milk, we think of milk that does not mix with water. However, this is not the case; it is the normal secretion of the mammary glands of healthy, milk-producing mammals that eat a healthy and balanced diet. Milk from lactating mammals should not be mixed with whole milk. The total amount of urea in milk should not exceed 700 ppm.

Standardized milk

Standardized milk has 8.5 % dry matter and 4.5 % low fat. When sterilizing milk, the milk is placed in a sealed container and continuously heated to 1150 C for 15 minutes.


Overview fat content milk // type of milk


Dont-milk is a process for treating buffalo milk in which water is added to the buffalo milk. This process reduces the amount of fat. This increases the milk yield and increases the tonnage, as the amount of fat-free dry matter is doubled. The price of the milk is reduced, making it more widely available.

Buffalo milk contains 7-8% fat and 9-10% calcium and non-fat solids. If the fat content of the milk is reduced to 3% through the toning process, the volume of the milk triples.

Flavored material

Flavored milk is a sweetened milk beverage made from milk, sugar, flavorings and sometimes colorings. Milk can be prepared in restaurants or at home. It can also be produced as a chilled product or even as a pasteurized product that undergoes ultra-high temperature treatment and does not require refrigeration.

Double colored milk

A double-colored milk product is just like colored milk. Unlike normal milk, it is always pasteurized. This product is produced by UNICEF for free distribution to low-income families and the homeless poor.

Skimmed milk

All the fat in the milk is mechanically skimmed.

Overview fat content milk // type of milk

Blended milk

This type of milk is a mixture of cow, buffalo, sheep, goat or other dairy cattle milk.


All-natural milk is very healthy. It is a gift of nature that milk can be used by people of all ages.  Overview fat content milk, type of milk good for the wear and tear of nerves, bones and teeth. Any milk that contains butter is good for the body. It is better to go to the farmers to buy such good milk.


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By jasmine