Neutropenia Symptoms and Causes, Treatment


In this article we look at the diseases that occur in neutrophils and lymphocytes. Let we see Neutropenia Symptoms and Causes, Treatment.


The normal proportion of these cells in the total number of white blood cells is between 55 and 70 percent. A condition in which the number of neutrophils in the blood is lower than normal. This can be caused by low production in the bone marrow itself, a lack of nutrients, the destruction of these cells after they have been produced by the bone marrow or an infection affecting the blood cells.

Neutropenia Symptoms and Causes, Treatment

Infections that cause this disease include dengue, HIV, viral hepatitis and tuberculosis. The main cause may be drug treatment, cancer in the bone marrow, bone marrow disease or radiation therapy. The lower production of these cells may be due to a genetic disorder of the bone marrow such as benign ethnic neutropenia [BEN], leukemia or chemotherapy.

People undergoing chemotherapy are the most affected by this disease. And people undergoing radiotherapy. Medications taken for the following purposes can also trigger neutropenia: Epilepsy medications, blood pressure medications and psychotropic drugs, immunosuppressants. Some types of antibiotics also trigger neutropenia, for example Vancocin and Bactrim.


The main symptoms of neutropenia are as follows

Neutropenia Symptoms and Causes, Treatment

  • Ulcers
  • Skin rashes
  • Fever with a temperature of more than 103 degrees
  • Sweating or chills from time to time
  • Pain in the muscles
  • Closed infections that are usually bacterial; abscesses
  • Late or incompletely healed wounds
  • Diarrhea
  • Frequent sore throats
  • Tiredness
  • Pain when urinating



  1. There are some precautions you can take to prevent this disease
  2. Avoid sick people [ because your immunity will not be on full prevention mode for this disease]
  3. Keep the vaccination on time and without delay
  4. Always wear shoes
  5. Avoid undercooked food, especially meat
  6. Clean scratches and wounds and cover them properly
  7. Good dental care
  8. Avoid contact with animal excrement

Neutropenia Symptoms and Causes, Treatment



There is treatment for neutropenia in many cases. The most important treatment is to change or stop the medication causing the neutropenia if possible. Taking medications to restore white blood cell production such as Neupogen, Granix and Neulasta. If the neutropenia is caused by abscesses, draining the abscesses or surgery is the option.



If there is a Neutropenia Symptoms and Causes, Treatment, then there is also a prevention. In the next few posts, we will look at the other diseases that occur in the WBCs, in order.


Symptoms of blood disorders // leukocytes causes


Naturally control blood pressure // Exercises // food


Naturally Foods that lower blood pressure // healthy food


Blood pressure symptoms and causes // hypertension


Blood diseases // symptoms // treatment


Diseases and disorders of the blood // symptoms // treatment 

By jasmine