Naturally maintenance of Healthy heart

Naturally keeping the heart healthy              So far I have said previous posts about what a heart is, how it works, what is a heart malfunction and its symptoms and causes. You need to read the Naturally Keeping the Heart Healthy work anatomy article can be found at the link



In an overview of how we should maintain a good heart, the following should be noted

  1. Healthy food (proper diet with the necessary nutrients)
  2. Regular exercise (at least a walk of 20 minutes)
  3. Maintaining a reasonable weight (BMI – 18.5 to 24.9) (I will explain what a BMI is later)
  4. Not smoking STRICTLY and especially not second-hand smoke) Secondhand smoke means being around a person who smokes. You then ingest the smoke they emit, which is very toxic.
  5. Keep your blood pressure under control.
  6. Consume only a limited amount of alcohol.
  7. Find a good way to manage your daily stress (finding a hobby might help or try to pursue your passion when you have free time)
  8. Keep your sugar levels under control (both consumption and blood also blood also blood levels)
  9. Meditation for at least 10 to 15 minutes a day.
  10. And last but not least, a peaceful sleep of 7-8 hours per day.

If you do all these measures regularly, your heart will be Naturally keeping the heart healthy and you will live longer. But these measures are only for maintenance, as I said before. If you want to have a stronger heart, you should exercise regularly. This will improve the capacity of your heart and make it work more efficiently.

The first exercises for a healthy heart are aerobics, stretching (bending flexing, and balancing), and then strength training.

Naturally keeping the heart healthy

In aerobics, we can do

  • do 100 to 200 jumps a day.
  • Go swimming for at least 30 minutes.
  • Brisk walking or jogging jogging for 1 hour.
  • Dancing
  • Cycling
  • Or you can do any sport that interests you and makes you sweat at least a little.

Stretching is about stretching your muscles so they don’t stay stiff after a long, hard day at work. For stretching, you can do yoga, which benefits you in more ways than one.

Stretching yoga can be

  • Tadasana
  • Vrikshasana – the tree pose
  • Trikonasana – the triangle pose
  • Dhanurasana – the bow pose
  • Salamba sarvangasana- half shoulder stand
  • Patshimothasana- double leg forward bend pose
  • Marjariasana- cat pose
  • Veerabadrasana- the warrior pose

Then we come to strength training. In strength training, we do exercises that make us stronger, strengthen our muscles, and develop them.

Naturally keeping the heart healthy

This strength training includes

  • Push-ups
  • Pull-ups
  • Squats
  • Lunges

The exercises can be divided into upper-lower body workouts

  • Upper body exercise includes training the arms, chest, back, and shoulders.
  • The lower body exercise includes the training of the legs, back, and hamstrings
  • The abdominal exercise mainly focuses on the abdominal region, the main exercises for this region are Planks, Russian Twists, etc.


All in all, we need to keep ourselves healthier knowing that naturally keeping the heart healthy works for every cell of our body. Overall coordination of every cell and muscle of the body is required when it comes to keeping the heart healthy.

To read the heart work anatomy article

Amazing fact about the human heart: heart anatomy

Symptoms and causes of a heart attack

By jasmine