we looked at the structure and function of the Natural ways to improve hearing


In the last article, we looked at the structure and function of the Natural ways to improve hearing, ear loss. We know that there are three sections that do not go in, do not tremble and do not come out. The inner ear is connected to the brain. How can we take care of such a precious ear and how can we improve its hearing? Or you can improve your hearing by looking at how you can avoid some of the things that affect it.

To avoid deafness

Conductive hearing loss occurs when there is a problem in the outer or middle ear, such as a blockage or damage to the tube in our ear. Sensorineural hearing loss occurs when the nerve pathways that transmit sound to the inner ear or brain are damaged. Mixed hearing loss is a combination of conductive and sensorineural hearing loss. Hearing loss is therefore the only way to see how the damage has occurred.

we looked at the structure and function of the Natural ways to improve hearing

Avoid too much noise

The membranes inside our ears have a certain hearing capacity. Our hearing is impaired when we hear sounds above it. So in places where there is a lot of noise, it is better to wrap a cloth so that you do not hear any fluff or noise.


Smoking is not only bad for our lungs, but also for our hearing. It impairs the blood vessels in our ears. As a result, the smoker’s hearing ability gradually decreases.

we looked at the structure and function of the Natural ways to improve hearing


Our ear canals become dirty and cause earache. In such cases, it is better to go to the doctor without fear and remove the dirt from the ear. Otherwise, there is a risk of hearing loss over time.

Exercise and meditation


We should exercise and meditate every day. The reason for this is that not only does the blood flow in our body increase when we move, but also the blood flow in our ears. This strengthens our hearing. A few asanas in yoga increase the blood flow in the ears.


Medications that we use for certain diseases can cause side effects of hearing loss. Examples include medications such as aspirin. If you feel that one of the medications we take is causing problems with hearing, it is better to consult a doctor.

Rest is important

If we work every day without resting, then our ears need rest, just like our body needs rest. Our ears are exposed to noise all day long, so we should sit in a quiet place and give our ears a break.

Protecting the ears

we looked at the structure and function of the Natural ways to improve hearing

To clean the inside of the ears, we should use a sponge-like structure instead of using the products we have found. Also, noise-cancelling devices such as headphones are sold in the markets to avoid excessive noise.

Food and nutrients

  1. Eat vegetables and fruits that are rich in antioxidants. For example  Greens and berries
  1. Vitamin C-rich fruits such as oranges
  2. Whole grains are rich in vitamin B, such as brown rice in rice
  3. Eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon.
  4. We get nutrients such as magnesium and zinc by eating sunflower seeds and foods such as nuts and almonds.


The main causes of hearing loss are the perception of strong noise, listening to loud music through headphones and speakers, inadequate cleaning of the dirt in the Natural ways to improve hearing, ear loss and inadequate intake of nutrients. In today’s world, this type of hearing loss only occurs after the age of 50.So instead of thinking about what you can do to improve your hearing, you should better to think about what to do to prevent hearing loss.


Ear anatomy and physiology // ear fact & function


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By jasmine