Natural way to maintain gut health, Vajrasana, yoga


Poor digestion is also a cause of some common health problems such as obesity. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to problems such as indigestion, bloating, hyperacidity, migraines, headaches, etc. Natural way to maintain gut health, Vajrasana, yoga. By maintaining gut health, you can avoid such problems.

Natural way to maintain gut health // Vajrasana // yoga

Just 15 minutes after eating can eliminate the above problems. Natural way to maintain gut health, Vajrasana, yoga. Vajrasana is an excellent remedy for all these problems. Vajrasana, a traditional yoga posture, should be taken after eating. Doing it for 15 minutes helps the digestive tract to function better. It is said that eating in the Vajrasana posture aids digestion. It is a good posture for meditation and pranayama. Vajrasana not only increases the body’s metabolism but also helps to reduce fat around the abdomen.

Method for performing Vajrasana

Start by sitting up straight and place both legs outstretched on the floor. Then bend the right heel under the right leg.

Then the left heel should be folded under the left leg. In this case, both knees should be together. Place both palms on the knees.

Then inhale slowly to a count of 4 and then exhale slowly to a count of 8.

Then slowly extend each leg and return to the starting position.

This asana should initially be performed for 3-4 minutes. Then gradually increase it to 5-7 minutes.

Natural way to maintain gut health // Vajrasana // yoga


  1. Vajrasana can strengthen all parts of our body. It helps all parts like the reproductive system. Increases blood flow in our legs and thighs. Improves bowel movements and relieves constipation.
  2. This asana contributes significantly to increasing blood flow to the pelvis and strengthening the pelvic muscles. It also helps with urinary incontinence after pregnancy. It also helps with menstrual pain and contractions.
  3. Helps protect the body from high blood pressure. Used to cure heart disease. Stress, confusion in the mind Helps calm the mind by removing anxiety.



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By jasmine