Natural way to Increased Blood Flow Parvatasana


This yoga practice was invented to lead a drug-free life. Natural way to Increased Blood Flow Parvatasana. This yoga art can harmonize the body and our mind. What we see here is a type of yoga pose called Parvadasaana. Parvadasana strengthens the spine and improves blood flow to the lungs. If you do not have time to do this exercise, we recommend doing meditation and breathing exercises in the morning and practicing yoga in the evening.

Natural way to Increased Blood Flow Parvatasana


Roll out a yoga mat and lie face down on it, then bring your arms to your sides by your chest. Now place your palms on the floor and simultaneously place both feet on the floor and lift your body upwards in the shape of a triangle. Then let your head hang between your arms. Stay like this for 20 seconds and then slowly bring your body back to the old inverted position. Repeat this asana 3 to 5 times in this way.


  1. Strengthens the waist and chest.
  2. The muscles become stronger.
  3. Tightens the ribs
  4. Relieves pain in the shoulders and spine.
  5. Legs become stronger.

Natural way to Increased Blood Flow Parvatasana


Sitting posture Parvadasaana.


Start by sitting in Padmasana. Keep both knees on the floor, lift your buttocks and raise your arms above your head with your palms facing outwards. Breathe normally for as long as possible without suffering. Slowly return to the starting position.

Natural way to Increased Blood Flow Parvatasana


  1. Eliminates the evils caused by germs in the stomach.
  2. Strengthens the lungs.
  3. Strengthens the nervous system
  4. Regulates the blood circulation.
  5. Helps to stabilize the mind.
  6. Strengthens the back muscles.


It is better to wear cotton clothing during yoga, meditation and breathing exercises. Natural way to Increased Blood Flow Parvatasana. The body should not be too tight and painful during asanas. Underwear should not be too loose.


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By jasmine