Natural Fact about teeth // function human teeth


The teeth are a very important part of the human body. This is because the teeth are responsible for chewing and swallowing the food we eat and making it pulpy for digestion. Natural Fact about teeth, function human teeth. This is why they are also considered part of the human digestive system. All the food we eat is absorbed through the mouth. Without the help of the mouth, these foods cannot be absorbed in any other way.

Teeth and bones are made of calcium. The teeth give the face a good structure. So it is necessary to pay more attention to keeping such a mouth and the teeth in it strong and healthy. Now let us take a look at the miracle of teeth.


Natural Fact about teeth, function human teeth

Development of teeth in infancy

Teeth begin to form in the womb. But babies are not born with teeth. But it takes 6 to 12 months for the teeth to grow and show.

Uniqueness of teeth

Not everyone’s teeth are the same, and there are some differences. A person can be identified by their teeth, just as a person’s identity can be revealed by a line on their hand. Some people’s teeth are crooked. Some may be overextended. This can be recognized.

History of toothpasteNatural Fact about teeth, function human teeth

Toothpaste has only been used for the last hundred years. Before that, lime, bricks, lemon juice, oyster shells, salt, etc. were used.

The tooth is a hard material

Tooth enamel is the hardest material in the human body. If it’s harder than bone, then yes. This is due to an important mineral called hydroxyapatite, which is found in tooth enamel.

Duration of tooth brushing

Even if you count the amount of time the average person spends brushing their teeth over the course of their life, it would be 38 days.

Position of the teeth

The teeth that grow during childhood are called milk teeth and have a number of 20 teeth. The number of secondary teeth is 32. One third of the teeth are located within the gums of our teeth. Only humans have 32 teeth. Sharks have 40 teeth, dolphins have 250 teeth and horses have 44 teeth.

One in 2000 babies is born with teeth. The bite force of human teeth is 200 dB. Many diseases in the human body are related to the teeth. Heart disease and osteoporosis are linked to the teeth.

Natural Fact about teeth, function human teeth

The teeth of a snail

Although a snail is small, it has more than a thousand teeth. It is said to have about 25,000 teeth.


Words are important, even if you have to speak clearly. Teeth are important if these words are to be clear. So brush your Natural Fact about teeth, function human teeth twice a day and remove food debris from your gums, go to the dentist regularly to maintain the health of your teeth.


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By jasmine