Lungs anatomy and physiology // Lungs function


Just as air is important to the functioning of the earth, it is also important to the living things on the earth. When human beings breathe in the air in the natural atmosphere, they receive life. Human life sustains air by breathing artificial air (tobacco, sanitary, and other air)

The pair of Lungs anatomy and physiology  Lungs function as organs that help us breathe. The lungs are where the excretion of carbon dioxide and the intake of oxygen take place. Here we see what is behind each breath.

Lungs anatomy and physiology // Lungs function


The Lung’s anatomy and physiology // Lungs function are the sponge-like organ that is pink in color. Since it is a pair, the right lung has 3 lobes, while the left lung has only 2 lobes as it surrounds the heart behind it. The main parts of the lungs are the trachea, the lungs, the bronchioles, the bronchi, and the alveoli. The lung is shaped like an inverted cone. The lungs are responsible for respiration, which is the process of taking in and delivering oxygen to all cells.

Each part in a detailed view

It is the wind tube through which air is inhaled and exhaled. This tube then divides into 2 branches, the bronchi. This shape resembles an inverted “Y” representing the bronchial tree as it leads to many branches. These branches of the bronchi are called bronchioles.Lungs anatomy and physiology // Lungs function

These branches are very complicated and distributed throughout the lungs. There are an average of 30,000 bronchioles in each lung. Some bronchioles are as thick as a hair., Eventually, these bronchioles end in balloon-like structures called alveoli.

These alveoli have the structure of tiny balloons to increase the surface area for air to enter. The surface area they provide is equivalent to the size of a normal tennis court, which is surprisingly large. These alveoli are also known as the air sacs of the lungs. There are about 600 million alveoli in each lung.

The process of posterior respiration

The inhaled air passes through the trachea and reaches the bronchus. From there, it enters the hair-thin bronchioles.

This air then enters the alveoli, where gas exchange takes place.

The alveoli are surrounded by thin blood vessels called capillaries.

In this capillary, the deoxygenated blood from the heart enters the alveoli, where the blood is then filled with oxygen, and the carbon dioxide is removed.

This oxygenated blood then travels to the heart to be distributed throughout the body.

The carbon dioxide that is removed from the blood is then released from the alveoli and passes through the bronchioles and bronchi into the trachea, where it is finally exhaled through the nose.

As the air is exhaled, the alveoli become inflated. The lungs are filled with a fluid [containing fatty proteins] called surfactant, which helps keep the alveoli open.

There is mucus in the lungs, which is normal. This mucus is produced in large amounts during infections. This mucus adheres to dust and other particles that are foreign to the lungs. It is then cleansed by small hair-like surface-like surfaces called cilia.

Some cells in the lungs eat up all the unwanted germs in the lungs called macrophages, the immune cells of the lungs.

The lungs normally clean themselves.Lungs anatomy and physiology // Lungs function

The other parts that are involved in this process are

  1. The nose and mouth
  2. The nasal cavity, which is located behind the nose
  3. Pharynx – the windpipe or more generally the throat
  4. Larynx – the larynx that separates the food tube from the trachea.


So, the Lungs anatomy and physiology // Lungs function is one of the main organs that help in the work of all other organs in the human body. Other organs work for our body while the heart, brain, and lungs make sure that these organs work properly. We need to protect our environment hygienically so that the air we breathe is clean. If we avoid these things, we can buy clean air in a bottle, just like we buy water in a bottle.


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By jasmine