Little note on milk, overview of milk, natural food.

Definition of milk

Milk is a liquid substance rich in proteins. An important foodstuff obtained from domesticated animals is usually milk. This includes ghee, butter, curd, cheese products, buttermilk, etc.  In addition, female mammals give milk to their young through their mammary glands after birth. The yellow-colored Little note on milk, overview of milk, natural food that the baby receives in the early days is also known as bean milk. It also does not provide the baby with sufficient immunity.

Little note on milk, overview of milk, natural food.

Nutrients in milk

Milk and all dairy products are healthy and nutritious foods. They are rich in natural nutrients such as calcium, potassium, lactin and lactose and contain many by-products that can be obtained from milk through chemical conversion. Curd can be obtained by fermenting milk. Quark is then turned into butter. It is a fatty substance. Buttermilk can be made from it. Similarly, butter can be turned into aromatic ghee. Cheese can also be made by fermenting milk.

Countries dominated by milk

Little note on milk, overview of milk, natural food.

Around 750 million tons of milk are produced worldwide by around 250 million dairy cows. India is the leading country in milk production. However, as the demand for milk is increasing, India may also import milk from other countries in the near future. India, Brazil, the USA and China are the largest exporters of milk and dairy products in the world.

Determining the quality of milk

The quality of milk can generally be measured by its water and fat content, purity, fermentation time and microbiological removal. In the United States, milk is divided into two categories. They are Grade A and Grade B.

Little note on milk, overview of milk, natural food.

Grade A is sold for direct consumption in stores.

Grade B is used for the manufacture of dairy by-products.

In New Zealand, milk is further divided into A1 and A2. Milk from crossbred cows is classified as A1 and milk from Asian and African cows as A2. Milk from crossbred cows is known to be less immunogenic. A2 milk contains proline, an amino acid of the case in protein. About 80 % of milk protein is casein. In A1 milk, the proline protein has been converted into histidine by hybridization. one liter of cow’s milk contains 30 to 35 grams of protein. The most important type of protein in milk is casein.


Little note on milk, overview of milk, natural food is a food rich in various nutrients that help to strengthen the body. Since many by-products are made from milk, many nutrients are also extracted from it and industrial products are also made from it. In the next blog, we will talk about the benefits of consuming milk.


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By jasmine