Lemon nutrition facts, Lemon health benefits


Lemon is an edible citrus fruit that is common all over the world. It is a small flowering plant family “Rutaceae” group. Usually citrus fruits are both sweet and sour as they contain high levels of citric acid. The lemon is considered the wonder of nature. Lemon nutrition facts, Lemon health benefits  Naturally, the lemon is found in Asian countries and even today it is cultivated in all countries for many valuable purposes. So it is no wonder that these small fruits have so many health benefits that it is impossible to list them all. Some of the most important health benefits of lemon are listed below.

Lemon nutrition facts, Lemon health benefits

Helps with weight loss

Lemons contain a special type of fibre called pectin, which helps curb appetite and control calorie intake. Lemon water, however, is usually the diluted form of lemon extract, which contains only small traces of pectin. While lemon water is not calorie-free, it contains few calories that have a similar effect.

Promotes skin elasticity

Taking a few drops of lemon extracts daily works wonders on our skin as it boosts collagen production, which gives the skin elasticity. The vitamin C contained in lemon plays an important role in repairing damaged skin cells and ensures naturally radiant skin. The citric acid contained in lemon removes dead cells and improves the skin’s appearance.

Promotes heart health

Lemon nutrition facts, Lemon health benefits

Lemons are a good source of vitamin C and antioxidants. Studies suggest that the nutrients contained in lemons are beneficial to heart health and prevent heart disease and disabilities such as strokes. However, lemon only contains a small amount of fibre, which can significantly reduce some risk factors for heart disease.

Freshens the breath

Lemon juice is known to freshen your bad breath. Due to its strong, pleasant scent and antibacterial properties, lemon extract is basically used in all cosmetics, toiletries, etc. It is also known for its medicinal value and pleasant smell. The high acidity of lemon can destroy bacteria that cause bad breath. At the same time, it is very important to remember that this acid also damages your tooth enamel.


Lemon nutrition facts, Lemon health benefits

So, this citrus fruit is the cheapest yet most nutritious fruit that offers several health benefits. Lemon nutrition facts, Lemon health benefits. Try to include lemon in your regular diet in small amounts, depending on your health needs. Don’t forget to drink your lemonade in hot weather days.



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By jasmine