Kidney diseases and dysfunctions


As we saw in the earlier post what a kidney is, how it works, and what it means to us, now we will see what can cause Kidney diseases and dysfunctions what these dysfunctions are called, and how some cases are treated.Kidney diseases and dysfunctions

The main cause of kidney disease

One of the kidney diseases causes 

There are two types of diabetes, and both can affect the kidney. The first type is blood sugar – a high level of sugar in the blood because the insulin that is secreted is not used efficiently by the body, either for hereditary or other reasons or because less insulin is secreted than normal. In this type, the sugar level in the blood increases. This causes the blood vessels in the kidney to constrict or become blocked. As a result, the kidney is damaged because it no longer receives an adequate supply of blood due to the narrowing of the vessels. These also cause the protein albumin to remain in the urine, which should not be in the urine.

The second type of kidney diseases

The second type of diabetes is about the amount of sugar in the urine. It is called glycosuria. This is usually caused by blood sugar because the blood is filtered of sugar; this sugar level is high, so the urine sugar is higher than it should be. In this condition, the urine excretes the glucose even when it is needed in the body. During the urine stays in the bladder longer in this state, even though the bladder is already full, it can lead to urinary tract disease caused by bacteria. These bacteria multiply drastically in the bladder or urethra when sugar levels are high and later spread to the kidneys.

kidney diseases Next stage problemKidney diseases and dysfunctions

Another Kidney disease and dysfunctions and dysfunction caused by diabetes is damage to the nerves. The nerves that send and receive commands or signals from the brain are damaged. Therefore, when the bladder is full, the message transmitted from the brain may not reach the nerves located in the kidney, so the urine is stored in the bladder for a long time. This in turn leads to problems or diseases in the urinary tract.

The other important reason is the increase in blood pressure. The increase in blood pressure damages the glomeruli in the nephrons, which leads to kidney failure. This leads to CHRONICAL KIDNEY DISEASE. If a person complains of a non-functioning kidney for more than 3 months, then the kidney has failed and the patient has to undergo dialysis. Once the patient undergoes dialysis, the kidney improves but it cannot be cured.

Kidney Stone formation

The other problems that can occur in the kidney are the most common – the formation of stones or medically called crystallization. This condition occurs when the urine becomes concentrated, and the minerals and other by-products combine and crystallize. Removal of these stones can be painful, but they can be cured, and the kidney will not suffer much damage after removal.

What is polycystic disease?

The formation of cysts in the Kidney diseases and dysfunctions, that is the formation of small balls filled with fluid. This cyst blocks the way into the regular process of the kidney, which leads to malfunction. And leads to the failure of the kidney. This requires immediate medical attention. This is usually hereditary – passed down from ancestors. This cyst formation is called polycystic kidney disease.

The symptoms of kidney failure

In the early stages Kidney diseases and dysfunctions

  1. Poor sleep cycle
  2. Frequent urination at night
  3. Swollen ankles or feet [sometimes both]
  4. Fatigue
  5. Dry and flaky skin
  6. Breathing problems
  7. Lack of concentration
  8. Loss of appetite

More pronounced symptoms include

  • Amnesia
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Decreased sexual performance
  • Hyperkalemia – elevated potassium levels
  • Change in urine output

Advanced renal dysfunction may even lead to swelling of the pericardium, which is the shock absorber of the heart, i.e. the outermost layer of the heart.


Every single part of our human body is always amazing. Therefore, pay attention to what you eat and make sure your sleep cycle is right. Many problems can be cured or prevented in this simple way. You are not only doing this for the Kidney diseases and dysfunctions or another organ of your body but also your well-being. So take good care of yourself and appreciate the cooperation of all the organs that allow you to live a normal life.


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By jasmine