Human Liver functions // Liver anatomy // physiology


One of the most important metabolic organs in vertebrates is the largest organ in the human body. Human Liver functions and Liver anatomy physiology. One of the heaviest organs in human anatomy. Let’s take a look at its functions and structure in this article.

Human Liver functions // Liver anatomy // physiology

Anatomy of the liver

The spongy organ, roughly shaped like a triangle, is located in the upper quadrant of the human body and is involved in the digestive system. The Human Liver functions and Liver anatomy is divided into 4 lobes: right lobe, left lobe, caudate lobe, and quadrate lobe. But we can roughly assume that it generally consists of 2 lobes, the larger right lobe, and the smaller left lobe. The liver is bounded by the diaphragm. The liver is surrounded by a capsule of fibrous tissue called the Glisson capsule. It is also covered by a lining of the abdominal cavity that supports the

Functions of the liver


BILIRUBIN SECRETION – The Human Liver functions, Liver anatomy secretes about 800 to 1000 ml/day. Bile is a juice secreted by the liver that aids in the digestion of fats in the small intestine, as the liver is connected by the common bile duct to the duodenum, where the collected bile is stored. The bile is also a form of excretion, the liver takes place in detoxification so that the metabolic end products drugs, and all such things are excreted by the bile, which is stored in the gallbladder, which is responsible for the pale yellow color of the urine.


Human Liver functions // Liver anatomy // physiology

The liver is also the place where the red blood cells that are used up [after about 120 days of life in the body after birth in the spleen] are destroyed. The red blood cells are also destroyed in the bone marrow and spleen. This destruction of the red cells produces a pigment that gives the usual greenish-yellow color; bilirubin, which is excreted through the intestines, i.e., the anus.


Enzymes in the liver

The liver synthesizes enzymes, which in turn are involved in digestion. Nutrients are supplied to the liver from the intestines. These are stored and used for further metabolism. The enzymes in the liver convert fats into fatty acids. Which in turn are converted into carbohydrates that provide energy to the body’s cells.

The liver produces clotting factors and blood serum and then releases them into the bloodstream. The protein albumin is produced in the liver and helps in the transport of fatty acids and steroid hormones that keep blood pressure at a normal level.

The peculiarity of the liverHuman Liver functions // Liver anatomy // physiology

The liver is an organ that grows rapidly when kept healthy. When a liver is partially damaged. One part of the liver is cut out and the other part continues to grow. This happens in a period of 8 to 15 days. The removed left globe, if damaged, can even grow to its actual size with proper care and nutritional intake. Even though it takes 8 to 15 days for the liver to grow completely, it resumes normal activity within 7 to 10 days.

This regrowth of the liver is called regeneration of the liver. Regeneration is a general term used to describe the reorganization of the cells of the body that come together again after disintegration to do their regular work.


So, in this post, we have learned most of the functions and features of the liver. In the next part, I will explain what diseases it causes and what precautions you need to take to maintain a healthy liver.


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