How to lose over weight // weight lose tips


Beauty is something that depends on the mind. In this day and age, we find beauty in ourselves by comparing it to others. God has given us all a unique body composition. Some people are fat and some are thin, depending on their hormones. This is a post for How to lose weight tips for obese (overweight) people.

Weight gain is caused by eating too much. Eating more calories than you need daily a daily basis can lead to weight gain. For this reason, reducing your intake of healthy nutrients is not the right way to lose weight. Make sure that you plan your meals so that they contain all the important nutrients. This message will help you if you want to lose belly fat and lose weight.

Obesity  How to lose over weight // weight lose tips

How to lose weight. Do weight loss tips happen? In our body, fat cells are usually located under the skin and in the abdominal area. All vertebrates have subcutaneous (a) fat cells under the skin. How then does the body become obese? The abdominal fat cells get bigger and bigger because of poor eating habits. This is what we call obesity.

Damage that can be caused by obesity

  • The sugar level increases
  • Blood pressure is increased
  • Increases bad cholesterol
  • Disruption of the gallbladder occurs.
  • Disorders such as stroke occur
  • Obese people snore more often.

Male vs female obesity


Female plants gain a little more weight during flowering. Then they gain weight during pregnancy and after. Women over 50 are more likely to gain weight during menopause


Men of working age 25-30 may gain weight due to poor diet, stress, and lack of sleep after marriage.

How to check your body weight

MetricHow to lose over weight // weight lose tips

BMI=weight (kg)/[height (m) ]^2

< 18.5= underweight

18.6-24.9= normal 25-29.9- overweight 30+ = obesity Example




note: this chart is only for adults 20 years of age and older

Not for children

For measuring obesity


BMI=weight (kg)/[height (m) ]^2

< 18.5= underweight

18.6-24.9= normal 25-29.9- overweight 30+ = obesity Example




Note: This chart applies only to adults 20 years of age and older

Not for children

How to lose over weight // weight lose tips

Easy way to lose weight

  1. Do not skip breakfast. Whether it is working men or women who skip breakfast and eat too much in the afternoon, obesity is caused by some hormones.
  2. Some people do not drink much water, but only when they are thirsty. The amount of water should be up to 3 liters per day. Even if the drinking water is warm, there is a possibility to reduce the fat in the body.
  3. The food we eat must be well crushed by the teeth in the mouth and mixed with saliva to enter the stomach. Only then will the digestion be good. When eating, we should eat slowly, and only then will we eat in moderation.
  4. It is better to avoid foods fried in oil and instead eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, etc
  5. Food should be taken at the right time. Breakfast 7 – 9 a.m., afternoon 1.1.30, evening 7-8 p.m. Eat at this time to avoid being overweight
  6. We should not eat too much food just because it is our favorite food. Eat only as much as necessary. Obesity is caused by excessive calorie intake due to overeating.
  7. Diet should be reduced and high-fiber fiber vegetables should be included in the diet. Why high-fiber fiber vegetables and fruits can help you lose weight.
  8. Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. When you start exercising, do it slowly, little by little, to lose weight.
  9. It is better if the evening meal does not a rice but cereals.
  10. Medical reports say that even without adequate sleep, the probability of obesity increases. This is because the growth hormone acts only during sleep


Losing weight is not as big a deal as we fear. Obesity is caused by the small mistakes we make, wrong eating habits we make, playing games on TV and cell phones without working and exercising, and insufficient sleep. So if we eat right and exercise, we can protect our health by preventing obesity and avoiding diseases.

FAQ Lose Weight

1. What is obesity?

Basal (or) fat cells are already located on the underside of the skin in our body. An increase in these fat cells is called obesity.

2. What is the BMI?

BMI stands for Body Mass Index is calculated by dividing a person’s proper weight and height by the answer. It is a kind of formula. It is used to determine whether a person is obese or normal weight.

3. A drink to lose weight?

You can drink cumin water to lose weight. If you soak cumin seeds in water overnight and boil the water in the morning, you can reduce body weight.


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By jasmine