Hemorrhoids piles disease, prevention


Hemorrhoids are a serious disease. Hemorrhoids piles disease, prevention affect all people who do not follow the right dietary habits and do not eat the right amount of food. When our body is warm, our body also takes longer to digest the food. Even if you do not eat when you are hungry, eat foods that warm the body, and even if you have abdominal pain for too long

Hemorrhoids will occur

Hemorrhoids piles disease, prevention

It is this constipation that troubles people. The symptom of this hemorrhoid disease is constant pain and irritation during bowel movements. This causes the patient’s rectum to swell. Hemorrhoids piles disease, prevention are blood clots that form around the anus and cause difficulty defecating. A condition in which the nerves inside or outside the anus or lower rectum become inflamed.

When the blood vessels in the anus become inflamed during defecation, the wall of the blood vessel inside becomes thin and the blood vessels burst and the blood flows out, we speak of hemorrhoids or piles.


Types of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are divided into two types: internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids. Bleeding occurs with internal hemorrhoids. External hemorrhoids are inflamed around the anus and cause severe pain and itching.

Stages of hemorrhoids

  1. If only blood comes out during bowel movements without any pain, this is the beginning of hemorrhoids
  2. The blood comes out together with the flesh in the stool and the flesh automatically moves into the anus after defecation.
  3. If the flesh comes with blood after defecation and then the flesh does not go in by itself, but only goes in after pressure is applied, it is the third stage.
  4. If the flesh does not go in even after applying pressure and the flesh remains outside without going in, it is the fourth stage of perfection

Causes hemorrhoids

  1. The consumption of starchy foods.
  2. Eating food prepared with maida constricts the bowel movement.
  3. Partial bowel movement without complete bowel movement. Prolonged sitting in one place.
  4. Eating too much non-vegetarian food leads to loose stools.

Foods to cure the pee disease

Hemorrhoids piles disease, prevention

  1. Eating spinach, fenugreek and coriander can prevent hemorrhoids.
  2. Soak three or four dried figs in water and drink it the next morning. Drink it twice a day.
  3. Drink a sufficient amount of water throughout the day. This keeps our body hydrated. Constipation will not occur. The bowel movement is plentiful.
  4. Applying coconut to the affected area relieves itching.
  5. Green vegetables like spinach, carrots, cucumber, cabbage etc. contain minerals, vitamins and antioxidants that relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids.
  6. Daily consumption of buttermilk soothes the nerves and reduces inflammation and infection in the body.
  7. To relieve the pain of a hemorrhoid sufferer, take a banana and mash it with milk to relieve the pain of hemorrhoids.
  8. Crush cumin and drink it with water to relieve constipation. Relieving constipation can prevent hemorrhoids.
  9. Eating fruit can relieve hemorrhoids. Fruits contain vitamins and minerals that help in curing hemorrhoids. Papaya sattu for dinner can relieve the pain of hemorrhoids.
  10. Whole grains are rich in fiber. Constipation can be eliminated by consuming them.
  11. Hemorrhoids piles disease, prevention

Method of treatment

Home remedies do not cure hemorrhoids. They can provide temporary pain relief. But complete remission means minor surgery. This laser procedure can heal in one day. It takes 10 to 30 minutes.


There is no age limit for Hemorrhoids piles disease, prevention and all age groups are at risk. So if we eat right, we can get rid of not only hemorrhoids but also many other diseases. Avoid fast-digesting foods such as junk food and chicken. So you can get rid of hemorrhoids by simply drinking the right amount of water and eating right.


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By jasmine