Function and anatomy of the human kidney


Human beings are unique organs that take in the food we need for our health and excrete the rest. The function and anatomy of the kidney are one of the most important organs of the body. It is the main organ that performs the main task of eliminating waste in the human body. If we take proper care of them, we can get rid of the waste in our bodies and live a way to live a prosperous life.

Function and anatomy of the human kidney

What is Kidney

This organ is located in the posterior part of the abdomen below the ribs, just below the liver. This organ has the shape of a bean-shaped and is a pair. This helps in removing removal waste products from our body helps in maintaining electrolyte balance in the body electrolyte level and regulates blood pressure, as we know that blood pressure is also caused by a higher amount of salt present in the bloodstream.

Kidney anatomy

Each Function and anatomy of the kidney is about the size of a fist. It is a reddish-brown colored organ. The kidney is covered by a renal capsule, a fibrous layer that is also surrounded by two layers of fats around it.

Inside the kidney, there is a series of pyramid-shaped lobes. Here is the place where the nephrons, which are located, present between the outer renal cortex and the inner renal medulla. The nephrons are the filters that filter out the impurities from the blood. The filters of the nephrons are called the glomerulus and the tubule. Here the glomerulus filters the blood and the tubule sends the filtered blood back into the circulation after filtration.Function and anatomy of the human kidney

Now let’s look at the process of filtration.

  1. The blood first enters the glomerulus capsule, which is the entrance of the nephron. The glomerulus removes only the smaller waste molecules such as urea and other salts, and mainly water, leaving behind the larger proteins and the blood cells. This process is the glomerulus filtration process
  2. The blood is then directed into the tubule. In the tubule, the blood flows along the walls so that the blood vessels reabsorb almost all of the water along with the nutrients and minerals that the body requires.[the reabsorbed include the glucose, amino acids, phosphate, chloride, etc.,]
  3. The tubule then removes the excess acids in the blood [excess acid and not all the acids, because we need acids in our blood to maintain its pH level] and directs them back into the renal veins.
  4. The remaining liquid waste in the tubule is then excreted in the form of urine.

So this is what happens inside each nephron. Each kidney has about 1 million or more nephrons. Since we have two kidneys, the number of nephrons is more than 2.5 million. The kidney filters about half a cup of blood every minute.

All of these wastes are then sent to the ureter, which is connected to the urinary bladder, where the urine is stored. The urine is generally pale yellow. The change in the color of the urine may indicate a problem in the kidney or your diet.

That’s why you should be careful with everything you eat and drink because behind the scenes a lot is going on behind the scenes to make your day better and relieve make your tension-free physically. And when you feel that your bladder is full, don’t curse the kidney; it just helps you get rid of the waste in the body that could become dangerous if not eliminated in time.Function and anatomy of the human kidney


Life is simply just for living. The one who lives without disease acquires the best wealth in this world. Nowadays, many people suffer from the problem of urinary bladder problems. It plays an important role in removing unnecessary water from the body. We can live a disease-free life if we pay attention to the amount of water we drink, and the way we eat and exercise.


  • How does the kidney work?

Excretion of waste products through urine. Blood waste products such as uric acid, urea, creatinine sulfates, etc. are removed.

  • What are the causes of kidney failure?

The main cause is inadequate not water supply excessive alcohol consumption and smoking.

  • What are the symptoms of kidney stones?

Kidney stone obstruction can cause pain in the lower abdomen, starting in the back and alternating with the front abdomen. Causes fever. Blood in the urine.


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