Factors of tooth decay, cavities of tooth decay,


In the previous article, we looked at Factors of tooth decay, cavities of tooth decay, and its symptoms. In this article, we will now look at the causes of tooth decay.

Causes of tooth decay

Factors of tooth decay, cavities of tooth decay,

  1. There are many factors that cause tooth cause. Can all these factors together cause tooth decay in one day? There is no answer to this question. But it is something that happens over time.
  2. Four things are necessary for tooth to occur. These are bacteria infecting the surface of the tooth, fermentable carbohydrates like sucrose, and the foods we eat sticking to the surface of the teeth, the main start and end cause is plaque.
  3. But all of this is due to each individual’s own oral hygiene habits, susceptible due to tooth shape and saliva tolerance.
  4. Certain bacteria called biofilms produce acid in the presence of fermentable carbohydrates such as sucrose, fructose and glucose in food.

Bacteria that cause tooth decay

Factors of tooth decay, cavities of tooth decay,

  1. There are different types of oral bacteria in our mouths. But only certain types of bacteria appear to cause.
  2. Some of them are Bacteria mutans, Streptococcus soprinus and Lactobacilli.
  3. If the dominance of these bacteria is high, you may not brush your teeth properly, even if you eat sweets frequently. If not treated properly, this can lead to pain, tooth loss and infection.
  4. Gram-positive bacteria called Streptococcus mutans form biofilms on tooth surfaces.
  5. These organisms can produce large amounts of lactic acid by fermenting dietary sugars and are resistant to the negative effects of low pH.
  6. Many types of bacteria cause root caries because the cement of the root surfaces mineralizes the enamel surfaces.
  7. After eating a meal or snack, the bacteria in the mouth metabolize the sugar. The resulting acidic by-product lowers the pH value.
  8. As teeth can be attacked by these acids, the development of tooth decay depends on the frequency of acid exposure.
  9. In cases where oral hygiene is very poor or the diet is rich in fermentable carbohydrates, tooth caries can cause cavities within a few months of the teeth erupting.
  10. We often drink sugary soft drinks and eat sweetened foods, which can also cause tooth problem.


Factors of tooth decay, cavities of tooth decay,


Whether it’s tooth decay, symptoms of Factors of tooth decay, cavities or the reasons we have just seen, the concept we can remember is that we need to improve our oral hygiene. If we brush our teeth twice a day, we can avoid many of these cavity problems. In the next section, we will see what treatment options are available for people with cavities.


Tooth decay symptoms // tooth cavities // dental care


Natural Fact about teeth // function human teeth


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By jasmine