Eye diseases and problems // Diabetic retinopathy // Cataract


Although there are many organs in the human body like the eye, the eye is the only organ that works in unison. A telescope is used to look more closely at the moon, which is many miles away. Our eyes are even necessary to see the moon visible in the telescope. In the last post about the eye, we learned about the anatomy and function of the eye, and now let us take a look at the possible Eye diseases and problems, Diabetic retinopathy and Cataract.

Main categories of eye diseasesEye diseases and problems // Diabetic retinopathy // Cataract

  • Diabetic retinopathy
  • Cataract
  • Amblyopia
  • Refractive errors
  • Age related macular degeneration [AMD]



Loss of central vision is the main symptom. This leads to blindness in the future. Damage to the light sensitive cells in the retina is the cause. This is also due to damage to the blood vessels that are connected to the retina.

This usually occurs in both eyes. If diagnosed early, the disease can be completely cured, otherwise it leads to impaired vision. Controlling blood glucose and blood sugar levels can reduce the risks.

 There are 4 stages of DR.

  • The 1st stage is called the microaneurysms, mild nonproliferative retinopathy.
  • In the 2nd stage, some of the retinal vessels are occluded, resulting in moderate nonproliferative retinopathy.
  • In   stage 3rd,the blockage increases, leading to decreased blood supply and consequent growth of new blood vessels (severe nonproliferative retinopathy).
  • The 4th stage is the most advanced; if it passes this stage, it leads to blindness, proliferative retinopathy.

Eye diseases and problems // Diabetic retinopathy // Cataract


Opacification of the lens of the eye is called cataract. This clouding is usually gradual and can affect any age group. The vision of a person with cataracts is like seeing the world through a fogged window. It is most difficult to see in bright light because the vision is clouded. Another symptom of this problem is double vision in one eye.

People with cataracts are very sensitive to light. They need a particularly bright environment to be able to read or write. Even though this occurs very gradually, it still leads to  blindness if not treated on time.


This is also LAZY EYE. It usually occurs in one eye. The cause is the uncoordination between the communication of the optic nerves and the brain. In this case, the brain prefers only one of the two eye and hardly focuses on the other eye.

Eye diseases and problems // Diabetic retinopathy // Cataract

This leads to a predisposition of the eyes, which in turn leads to farsightedness or nearsightedness in one of the two eyes, or even cataracts in some cases. This can occur especially in children and early adults. Poor treatment of this disease results in permanent impairment of one of the eyes.


I will write about the other 2 species in the next post. This will clarify how carefully you need to take care of your Eye diseases and problems, Diabetic retinopathy and Cataract to protect your vision.


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By jasmine