Effect of cold water // Chill water // H2O

Cold water

Most of us prefer cold water in summer. Here we will see how drinking cold water from the refrigerator can harm our health.

Effect of cold water // Chill water // H2O



Heart attack

Drinking Effect of cold water affects the nerves leading to the heart and slows down the heart rate. Gluglu water is tingly for the sun. But the consequences are very dangerous.

Sore throatEffect of cold water // Chill water // H2O

Drinking Effect of cold water can cause pain in the throat, hoarseness, swelling, mucus, and a stuffy nose. It is possible to irritate the skin in the throat if you take and drink very cold water.


Due to the effects on body temperature from drinking ice water, the digestive tract does not function properly. If digestion is not regular, constipation will automatically occur.


The normal temperature of our body is 37 degrees Celsius. When we drink Effect of cold water, the body tries to regulate the temperature by releasing energy. In short, cold water causes an imbalance in the body and slows down the digestive process

Weight loss

If you want to lose weight, you should avoid drinking ice water altogether. Only warm water can dissolve body fat. Cold water can combine with fat melts to form larger fat melts. This eventually weakens the immune system and leads to diseases

Sensitivity of teethEffect of cold water // Chill water // H2O

Drinking ice water can damage the muscles over the teeth and affect the sensitivity of the teeth. This can lead to various problems, such as difficulty chewing or difficulty drinking other beverages.

Damage to the brain

Drinking ice water affects the spinal cord nerves. How Our spine is made up of 80% water. Therefore, the water that reaches the brain through the blood affects the brain. This may cause headaches and sinus problems.


some research suggests that people with diseases of the esophagus, such as achalasia, should not drink cold water. Achalasia is a rare condition that can make it difficult to swallow food and drink.

There is no evidence that drinking cold water is bad for your health. Both cold water and room-temperature water provide adequate hydration. Drinking warm water has its benefits, such as promoting digestion and removing toxins.



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By jasmine