Easy ways to reduce postpartum belly // Postpartum belly

Postpartum belly

In general, it is very difficult for women to Easy ways to reduce postpartum belly // Postpartum belly their belly fat after giving birth, because nine months with a baby in the belly makes the abdominal muscles slacken to accommodate the baby, and there is not enough time for exercises to melt those fat muscles.

Easy ways to reduce postpartum belly // Postpartum belly

Aloe Vera gel

Separate the aloe Vera gel, apply it to the sagging abdominal area, and wash it off with water after about 20-30 minutes. The special thing about aloe Vera is that it can tighten the skin and make it glow. This is because it contains malic acid. Do this at least once a day.

Oil massage

Massage natural coconut or olive oil on the abdomen from bottom to top for 20-30 minutes. Do this at least twice a day. In this process, the antioxidants and fatty acids contained in coconut can repair the flabby belly fat caused by hormonal changes. It helps to Easy ways to reduce postpartum belly // Postpartum belly.

Multan meat casserole

Take 3 spoons of Multan Methi in a bowl and mix it with water (or) rose water and apply it on the affected part of the stomach after drying it for 15 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water. Do this 3 times a week and you will see good progress. This Multan Mette tightens the sagging skin and restores the elasticity of the skin.

BreastfeedingEasy ways to reduce postpartum belly // Postpartum belly

After delivery, the baby should be breastfed frequently. Breast milk gives immunity to the baby. Not only that, but it also helps with burning 300 to 500 calories daily. Breastfeeding releases the hormone oxytocin and triggers muscle contractions.

Drink water

Women who have just given birth and are breastfeeding should drink at least 3 liters of water daily. This is because water flushes toxins from the body and promotes balance. It also breaks down excess belly fat that is deposited on the abdomen. This water also helps meet your daily breast milk needs.

Lose weight slowly

Also, because of the rapid weight gain after birth, you should not lose weight too quickly. It is best to reduce weight slowly to tone the muscles. A weight loss of 1 kg per month is sufficient.

Enough rest

Labor without rest creates toxins in the woman’s body. This leads to swelling after delivery. There they turn into abdominal fat. Spending too much time with the baby results in a lack of rest. So, sufficient rest is important to lose weight after delivery.


Losing weight after childbirth can be a difficult task, but abdominal fat should be reduced. Even women who do not have time to exercise can reduce their belly fat by using these simple and natural methods.

Easy ways to reduce postpartum belly // Postpartum belly


Can you exercise to lose weight after childbirth?

  • After giving birth, your body is weakened. So you can do small exercises like walking, dancing, sitting exercises, cycling, etc. without exerting yourself. After a few days, you can do cardio and abdominal toning exercises on the advice of your doctor.

Can you lose belly fat without diet and exercise?

  •  we can reduce the size of the abdomen by wearing an abdominal belt on the advice of the doctor and contracting the uterus in women who have had a normal delivery and a cesarean section. Important note: Wear the belt only on the advice of the doctor.


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By jasmine