Breathing Exercises, yoga, Anantasana


People with breathing problems should try this asana. Breathing Exercises, yoga, Anantasana. The asana we want to look at today is Anantasana. As far as yoga is concerned, not every asana has the same benefits. Both nostrils in our body are free from obstructions so that breathing is smooth and all our body organs are properly energized and function well. In addition, our internal organs, especially the brain, are supplied with good prana energy so that the body and mind are blissful. This is why it is called Anandasana.

Breathing Exercises, yoga, Anantasana

Anandasana method

First spread out the yoga mat and lie on it, lie down straight. Breathing Exercises, yoga, Anantasana. Then lie down on your left side. Place your left hand on your left cheek and raise your right leg well first. Then grasp the big toe of your right foot with your right hand. Then slowly lower your leg and lie down straight. You can also change the morning in this way.


Breathing Exercises, yoga, Anantasana

  1. Anandasana helps to reduce fat in the waist, arms and thighs.
  2. This asana is very beneficial for people who suffer from back pain. This asana has the power to combat the symptoms associated with menstrual problems.
  3. Performing this asana for 10 minutes every day relieves nasal congestion. This prevents breathing difficulties.
  4. People with sinus problems will benefit from this yoga practice.
  5. This asana relieves stress and calms the mind, dispels fatigue and rejuvenates us.
  6. Practicing it keeps the digestive tract healthy. It also relieves bloating, constipation, indigestion, diarrhea, stomach cramps and other stomach problems.
  7. It helps with diseases of the uterus, bladder and prostate.
  8. It provides a good stretch for legs, shoulder muscles, thighs, hip muscles, biceps and triceps and the whole body.
  9. Boosts your memory.
  10. Keeps bones strong. Relieves hand and leg pain in the bones.



Breathing Exercises, yoga, Anantasana


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By jasmine