Blood Disorders Lymphocytopenia, Symptoms Causes


In this article you will learn more about the disease lymphocytopenia, its causes, symptoms and treatments, and whether it is curable or not. This disease occurs when the number of lymphocytes, the white blood cells, is too low. The Blood Disorders Lymphocytopenia, Symptoms Causes are the ones that protect our body against any infections. There are 3 types of lymphocytes. B lymphocytes, T lymphocytes and natural killer cells. If there is a deficiency of these cells, even a small infection can be life-threatening.

The main cause of this condition is inadequate nutrition. However, in some cases it can also be due to an unknown cause or stimulation by certain medications or diseases. Normally, the proportion of lymphocytes in the WBC is 30 to 40 percent.


Blood Disorders Lymphocytopenia, Symptoms Causes

  Lymphocytopenia can be cured with the right diet and medication. The most common symptoms are

  • Infections that occur can be long-lasting and incurable.
  • The tonsils in your throat feel abnormal.
  • The most common infections are skin infections.
  • The infections may occur more frequently than others.
  • The color of your skin changes.
  • The lymph nodes in your body are swollen.
  • People with HIV usually have lymphocytopenia.
  • The size of the spleen may be larger than usual.

Types of lymphocytopenia and their causes

There are 2 types of lymphocytopenia. One of them is hereditary. Here are some hereditary diseases that can be the cause of the condition.

  1. Severe combined immunodeficiency syndrome
  2. Ataxia telangiectasia
  3. General variable immunodeficiency

And the other type is acquired lymphocytopenia. This is a condition where the cause of the lymphocytopenia is not inherited, but where you have developed lymphocytopenia due to external causes.

The reasons may include some of the following

Blood Disorders Lymphocytopenia, Symptoms Causes

  1. Autoimmune diseases.
  2. Blood cancer.
  3. Malnutrition in food intake.
  4. High alcohol consumption.
  5. HIV
  6. SARS CoV 2
  7. Viral hepatitis.
  8. Hodgkin’s disease
  9. Aplastic anemia
  10. Tuberculosis
  11. Pneumonia

Some other factors may be the side effects of treatment of other diseases in your body, such as cancer treatment, steroid therapy or blood and bone marrow transplantation.


Treatment depends entirely on the cause of the condition. If the cause is due to the side effects of a particular medication used to treat other diseases in your body, these can most likely be replaced by other medications. If the disease is inherited, it will most likely be difficult to cure. The person may then need to undergo a stem cell transplantation. To prevent frequent infections, people with lymphocytopenia are treated with gamma globulin, which contains a certain proportion of B lymphocytes. Gamma globulin is rich in antibodies.

Blood Disorders Lymphocytopenia, Symptoms Causes


So far we have looked at 2 important white blood cell disorders. Blood Disorders Lymphocytopenia, Symptoms Causes & Treatment. In the next post, we will look at 2 other types of diseases.


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By jasmine