Avoid food from thyroid problems, diet Hypothyroidism


In the last post, we saw that the thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland in the lower part of the neck. The word thyroid is derived from the Greek word thyros. It means shield. As long as the hormone secretion of the thyroid gland is stable, it has no biological effects on the body, but when it gets out of balance, the body’s movements are affected. Avoid food from thyroid problems, diet Hypothyroidism.

Avoid food from thyroid problems, diet Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism affects women more than men. Iodine deficiency causes hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is the most common thyroid disorder. Therefore, people with thyroid hormone deficiency should avoid certain foods. In this way, you can avoid thyroid disease.

Foods to avoid

Avoid food from thyroid problems, diet Hypothyroidism


Caffeine can exacerbate symptoms such as high body temperature, palpitations and anxiety. It is therefore recommended to reduce or avoid caffeinated drinks such as coffee, tea, energy drinks and some soft drinks.

Soy foods

People with an underactive thyroid should avoid soy, soy milk and tofu. Researchers believe that excessive soy consumption may increase the risk of hypothyroidism. Eating soy can interfere with the thyroid’s ability to absorb medications that increase thyroid-stimulating hormone levels

Fatty or fried foods

It is a simple, well-known fact that fatty and fried foods are not only harmful to thyroid patients, but also to healthy people. The fats in fried foods can impair or block the thyroid gland’s ability to produce the hormone thyroxine.

Eating fatty or fried foods can cause digestive problems and lead to excessive weight gain in hypothyroidism. Foods that thyroid patients should avoid include mayonnaise, butter, etc.

Avoid food from thyroid problems, diet Hypothyroidism

Processed foods

Processed foods contain a lot of sodium. And people with hypothyroidism should avoid sodium. Thyroid disease increases the risk of high blood pressure. Too much sodium also increases the risk. Eat foods that are low in sodium.


People who are suffering from voice problems due to thyroid gland, take equal amount of agrakaram, licorice and karisalangkanni and grind them and eat two grams daily in the morning, then they will get a solution to the problem. So eating certain foods can help you get rid of Avoid food from thyroid problems, diet Hypothyroidism problems. So thyroid patients should better take advice from their doctor on which foods to eat and which to avoid.


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By jasmine