Amazing facts of brain : Your brain


The brain, which has a strange and complex structure, is very important for every living being. The Amazing Facts about the Brain Your brain is used to store information like a computer for the movement of each living being and the next action, and to transmit the necessary information for the functioning of the organs in the body. Some living beings do not have such an important brain. I can not believe that some living beings have more than one brain. Let’s take a look at some more incredibly interesting brain information.

Amazing news about the brainAmazing facts of brain : Your brain

Let’s see if we can believe that 13 kinds of living things don’t have a brain, such as

Sea urchin

Sea cucumber





Sea sponge


Sea squirts

Sea anemones


Portuguese Man`o’war

Earth warm

The smallest brain animal

The rag warm

Largest brain animal

sperm whale (20 pounds, 7 to 9 kg)

9 brains


11 brains


Ant brain


The wonders of the human brain

The human brain vs. neurons

Everything we see, think or do is due to Amazing facts in our brain and neurons. Through the interaction between these neurons, information is transmitted at different speeds. The speed of communication between neurons is about 250 mph.

Structure and weight of the brain

The structure of the brain is like a solid jello. The cerebrum accounts for 85% of brain weight and 2% of human body weight. An adult brain weighs about 3 pounds.

Brain and chemical reaction

Serotonin is a chemical necessary for communication between neurons nerves regular activity in the brain, nerves or blood vessels in the skull, or muscles in the head and neck may play a role in primary headaches Some people get headaches when serotonin serotonin estrogen) levels change

The brain cannot feel painAmazing facts of brain : Your brain

The body can feel pain during surgery, but the brain does not feel this pain when the brain is operated on. there are no pain receptors in the brain.

The state of the brain during aging

The human brain continues to develop until the age of 40. The brain is the organ that continues to grow until the age of the human body. After a certain time, the brain begins to shrink.

Role of oxygen and blood in the brain

750-1000 ml of blood flows through the brain every minute. The brain needs a constant supply of oxygen, and if the brain is not continuously supplied with oxygen for 5 minutes, some brain cells die. The brain gets 50% of its oxygen and energy from the blood.

Brain and light

The brain generates about 12-25 watts of electricity when we are awake. This is enough energy to make a small light bulb glow. Information to the brain is transmitted at 150-260 km/h.

Brain & Exercises

Once you wake up in the morning, learning is like playing in the evening, just like waking up in the morning to learn and play in the morning, exercise is the reason for neurotrophic production. When you do this for the brain. This leads to greater plasticity of the brain. It causes an increase in serotonin and norepinephrine, which in turn improves learning ability and memory.

Brain and water.

                   Make sure your body is adequately hydrated to prevent loss of physical (or) brain function. This is because the human brain is 75% water. For example: as little as 2% dehydration in the brain can hurt the brain

Brain and thinking thought

An average person has 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts, of which 95% are repetitive thoughts from the previous day and 80% appear to be negative thoughts


Some species have no brains, others have 9,11 and are distinguished into large and small brains. but only man has a unique and rational brain. such a priceless brain should be maintained by proper exercise and breathing.

How to get super brains: Brain activity
How to improve brain activity


By jasmine