Amazing fact about drinking water / Water benefits


The world 71% of water and more than 90% of the blood in our body is water. We will observe and use Amazing facts about drinking water. The interesting thing is how water occupies our whole body and how we use this water for our body.

Amazing fact about drinking water / Water benefits

Ways to drink water

  1. The daily amount of Amazing facts about Water benefits for men is 125 ounces, which is 3700 ML and women should consume 90 ounces, which is 2700 ml. The amount depends on the situation. For example, if you work in hot areas or exercise, you may need to drink more than the normal amount. It may even be 5 liters.
  2. At least 40 minutes before eating, we should drink 1 cup of water to help digestion and absorption of food.
  3. Do not drink water standing up. Sit down and drink gradually
  4. While working, we forget to drink water. To avoid this, just drinking 1 cup of water every 1 hour can keep the body’s water balance.
  5. If we drink a glass of water in the morning after waking up, we will stay refreshed throughout the day.

Effect of drinking waterAmazing fact about drinking water / Water benefits

  1. The important reason to drink water is because the food we eat is rich in nutrients like protein, fat, and carbohydrates. When we drink water, these nutrients are dissolved and transported to the different parts of the body
  2. Do not drink water immediately after eating because the nutrients in the food will not dissolve and this will cause digestive problems. So when should you drink water? Drink water 10 minutes before eating. Drink water for at least one hour after eating. You can drink only a little water
  3. Do not drink the water too fast, but sip only in small sips. The reason is that if we drink water quickly after exercise exercising, we will experience some difficulties because of the sodium released from sweat
  4. Do not drink cold water after eating meat and fatty food. Because the blood vessels will constrict and cause causes indigestion
  5. Do not drink water at the same time you want to drink it. Drink small amounts of water every hour. Do not wait until you feel thirsty
  6. Researchers have found that drinking water while standing can affect the nervous system.
  7. Drink a cup of water before bed. This can prevent heart attacks.
  8. Water intake is not just about drinking water, but also eating vegetables and fruits that contain a certain amount of water

Can you give the baby water?

  1. The baby should be given only breast milk until 6 months of age. So water should not be given.
  2. When the baby starts eating food, he should eat vegetables and fruits with high water content. This means that a one-year-old child should drink only 800 ml of Water per day
  3. The amount of water depends on the weight of the child. For example, if a 10-year-old child weighs 50 kg, he should drink a corresponding amount of water.

Advantages of drinking waterAmazing fact about drinking water / Water benefits

  1. Water is used to keep the body warm.
  2. Drinking water properly causes pimples on the face due to oil. Water is used to flush out such dirt.
  3. Water transports nutrients to all parts of the body. So if you drink less water, the nutrients will not reach all parts.
  4. Drinking water can also help you lose weight because it stimulates your metabolism
  5. If you do not drink enough water, you will get headaches and fatigue because the brain is 90% water
  6. Our stomach acid helps digest food. Its strength is high. Drink water frequently to reduce the strength of this acid
  7. 80% of the muscles in our body are surrounded by water. So if there is not enough water in the body, the reason for muscle cramps is the storage retention of waste products and the cause of these muscle cramps. Water is needed to flush out these waste products
  8. Due to unhealthy diet food, pollution, etc., many waste materials remain in our bodies and cause diseases. To remove these wastes, they are eliminated through suction
  9. Water is very important to increase the metabolism in the body, called metabolism.
  10. Proper intake of water helps with problems such as constipation and regular bowel movements


Too many Amazing facts about drinking water/benefits Water can lead to kidney problems. Drinking less water can be dangerous, depending on the amount of water we weigh, the conditions in which we can work, the conditions of the place we are in, and the amount of sweat we produce when we exercise or play. We know everything about how to drink water. Now we need to drink water regularly to maintain our health.


  1. What is the daily water intake?

Usually, it is 11.5 cups or 92 ounces for women, and for men 15.5 cups or 124 ounces for men.

  1. Why should not you drink water immediately after eating?

A sip of water before eating can dilute food. The digestive process is accelerated. Sipping water while eating prevents the natural absorption of nutrients. Drinking water immediately after eating, in turn, interferes with the natural digestion time of food

  1. What are the benefits of drinking hot water early in the morning on an empty stomach?

Drinking 2 glasses of hot water every morning creates new acids. This allows the digestive system to work well. No constipation. Abdominal pain and nausea do not occur.


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By jasmine