Amazing characteristics of the tongue

Preface of the tongue

The human body is full of wonders. What is the only exception to this tongue? Eating and speaking are very important in human life, Amazing characteristics of the tongue . What would happen if we didn’t have a tongue? We wouldn’t be able to speak, taste or even breathe. Even if we go to the doctor for a problem like a fever, he’ll first ask us to stick out our tongue. This is because the tongue not only reveals the symptoms of fever, but also of many diseases.

Amazing characteristics of the tongue

Amazing news about the tongue

A person’s state of health can be determined by the color of their tongue. A pink tongue, for example, usually indicates good health. A yellow color indicates a fever or stomach problems. And a white color indicates a fungal infection.

Amazing characteristics of the tongue

Like fingerprints and teeth, everyone’s tongue is unique, and no one has it like we do. Just as we use fingerprints for identification and protection, we’ll also use tongues in the future. That’s what the researchers say.

The tongue has tiny bumps called papillae. Bacteria can settle in these bumps and cause bad breath. More than half of the bacteria in our mouths are found on the tongue. So brush your teeth twice and gargle after eating.

We all know that our tongue has taste buds! But their number varies between 2000 and 5000, with the taste-sensing cells in these taste buds being destroyed and new cells being formed every week.

Peculiarities characteristics of the tongue

The number of taste areas on our tongue is five. There are five types: sweet, sour, salty and bitter. These five tastes are perceived everywhere on the tongue. The sides of the tongue are more sensitive and the middle is less sensitive. However, the bitter taste is mainly felt at the back of the tongue.

The tongue is a bundle of eight muscles. The tongue is a self-acting muscle in the human body. It is the connection between the muscles that keeps it mobile. No other muscle in the body has the strength that the tongue has. This is because the tongue never gets tired. For example, you can go on talking and eating.

Amazing characteristics of the tongue

Women’s tongues are smaller than men’s. Tongue size is no big deal. However that is also a surprise.

Even when we sleep, our tongue is constantly active and pushes saliva into the throat.

The tongue receptors are the nerve endings that enter into a chemical reaction with the food and drink we taste. They transmit information to our brain and help our taste buds to recognize the aromas.

Like a giraffe, the tongue of a blue giraffe weighs 2.7 tons.


Another benefit of the Amazing characteristics of the tongue is that it helps to keep the airways open. This is why we can breathe properly. The tongue is also essential for swallowing food and making various sounds when speaking. It is good for our health if we take proper care of the tongue, which is so interesting and useful.


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By jasmine