Advantages of correct salt consumption // uses of salt


When we are told that we should consume the right amount of salt, we primarily think of reducing the amount of salt in the foods we eat. But this is not true for the vegetables we eat every day, because sweet snacks also contain salt. Advantages of correct salt consumption, uses of salt. Daily snacks should therefore be reduced. Even if you do not add salt, when you use seasoning packets for gravies, salt is added for flavor. When we eat it, salt accumulates in our bodies. Now let us see what happens when we use too much salt

Advantages of correct salt consumption // uses of salt

When there is too much salt in the body

  • When there is too much salt in our body, stomach ulcers, heart swelling, kidney disease, kidney stones, etc. can occur. In addition, the salt content in our blood increases, bone density decreases and the immune system is likely to be weakened by such diseases.
  • A new study published in the journal Cardiovascular Research suggests that high salt intake can increase stress. They found that stress hormone levels were 70 percent higher in people who ate a high-salt diet than in those who ate a low-salt diet.
  • A high-salt diet increases the risk of fat deposits on the inner walls of the blood vessels. This fat clogs the blood flow pathways and leads to blood pressure problems.
  • High blood pressure leads to hardening of the arteries, resulting in an increased risk of heart disease and premature death.
  • Eating too much salt increases sodium levels in the body and causes problems such as kidney stones and urinary tract infections. To avoid these problems, it is better to reduce salt consumption.
  • A high-salt diet promotes obesity. This is because sodium causes the body to retain more water.
  • Excess sodium increases the excretion of calcium in the urine, so people who eat a high-salt diet are more susceptible to osteoporosis.
  • Frequent thirst when eating food with a high salt content. Excessive salt consumption leads to excessive water loss in the body, and this thirst becomes more frequent.

Advantages of correct salt consumption // uses of salt


In the previous article we saw that the daily salt intake is 5 grams. But unconsciously we add 9 to 16 grams in our daily diet. A low salt intake does not keep the brain sharp. The taste buds on our tongue have the ability to adapt to the foods we eat every day. Advantages of correct salt consumption, uses of salt. You should therefore make it a habit to add salt right amount of salt to your food. Adequate salt consumption can prevent the diseases mentioned above.


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By jasmine