Health benefits of guava, Fruits, Guava uses.


Guava, a typical Asian fruit that is known as the “queen of fruits”. It is so called because these fruits have a high medicinal value. The guava usually smells very aromatic when it is fully ripe. Health benefits of guava, Fruits, Guava uses. Guava is a small tropical tree native to Mexico and Central America. Nowadays there are both hybrid and organic varieties of guava. The high potassium content of the guava compared to the banana facilitates digestion and is therefore very beneficial to health.

Strengthens immunity

Health benefits of guava, Fruits, Guava uses.

Normally we need more immunity to fight infections. These fruits provide vitamin C, which acts as an immunity booster. This strengthens immunity and keeps the body free from infection. Normally the vitamin C content in oranges is high, but in guavas the vitamin C content is even higher. This vitamin C also ensures good eyesight.

Reduces the development of cancer

Guava fruits contain vitamin C, lycopene and many other polyphenols that strengthen the immune system and help fight infections that invade the body. As a result, developing cancer cells can be controlled and infectious cells are regenerated. Guava fruit has been shown to prevent prostate cancer and also breast cancer cells.

Improves eyesight

A guava fruit is also rich in vitamin A. Eating these leaves supports eye health, sharpens vision and protects against eye problems. Our eyes need a certain level of eye pigments for our retina to function well, and this vitamin A provides the necessary pigments without which the disease leads to night blindness.

Good for digestion

Health benefits of guava, Fruits, Guava uses.

Guava fruits are very good for bowel movements and are also good for digestion due to their high fibre content. Fibre helps with digestion by solidifying and softening the stool. However, excessive consumption of guavas can harm the digestive system if you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome.

Best for toothache

Crushing guava leaves provides instant relief from toothache. These leaves can be chewed and allow the juice to penetrate the aching teeth, causing immediate numbness in the affected area. Not only the leaves but also the hydrated guava peels can be used as a remedy for toothache and work wonders.


Health benefits of guava, Fruits, Guava uses.

Guava has four times more vitamin C than orange. Health benefits of guava, Fruits, Guava uses. It contains more potassium than bananas and more fibre than pineapple. Guava leaves have greater health benefits than the leaves of other fruits. So plant a guava in your garden to have the best support for a lifetime.




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By jasmine